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Serenity woke with a start. She had been home a month, making her 5 months pregnant. She was scared. She felt a cramp and gasped. She started to wake Josh, she was crying.

“Josh! Something's not right! Wake up!” She had tears falling down her cheeks. Josh sat up and looked at his wife, he knew by the sound of her voice.
“It's gonna be ok. Shh...let's get you to the hospital. Loren can watch the girls.” He got out of bed, pulled on some jeans and shirt. Ran to his wife and helped her up.

They got to the car and Josh hauled ass to the ER. He wanted to make sure his wife was ok. She was panicking as they walked in. Josh held her hand as they walked up to the nurse's station to get seen.

“Oh god...this isn't good....” She hissed as she held her belly.
“What seems to be the issue?” A nurse asked without looking up.
“I'm 19 weeks pregnant with twins and I have cramps and pain.” Serenity said as Josh held her.
“Jason! I need a wheel chair and a bed. Now.” The nurse said as Josh filled everything out and then followed his wife.
“Mrs. Ramsay, when did your pain start and what's your pain level?” The male nurse, Jason started to ask questions as they walked.

“About um it started around midnight. I woke up in pain. Pain? It's about a 7.” She groaned as she held her belly, she prayed her boys were ok.
“Here's your bed. I'll go get the OB on call and come back to get your vitals. Please put this gown on.” Jason left the room, Josh helped Serenity get changed into the gown and on the bed. They were both worried about what might be going on.
“Josh what if we lose the babies?” Serenity's eyes were filled with fear as she said the words.
“Don' talk like that. No matter what happens, I will love you and be here for you.” He kissed her and sat on the bed next to her, holding her close.
“Josh.....if we lose the babies I will want to try again.” She said as she ran her hand over her stomach.

“Let's just see what the doctor says.” Josh hated to think about losing the babies. He wanted to see his boys. He wanted to see them grow up.
“Mr and Mrs. Ramsay, I'm Dr. Logan. We're going to attach a fetal heart monitor to your belly and do an ultra sound. See how everything is.” She had the nurses strap the monitor on and got the ultra sound machine ready.
“Should we be worried?” Josh asked as they got everything ready.
“I don't think so, but it's better to be safe and checked out then wait.” Dr. Logan said as she turned everything on. “You're having twins right?”
“Yes. Two boys....” Serenity got worried when she only heard one heartbeat.
“There's only one heartbeat. Here is one baby. I'm afraid the umbilical cord for the other baby, detached from the placenta. He didn't get enough oxygen. The cramping you felt could have been the cord detaching. We can preform a c section and remove the baby. Since he's in a separate sac that makes it easier. “ Josh held Serenity as she cried. He listened to the doctor and tried to wrap his mind around him.

“What causes this?” Josh choked as he spoke.

“This is a rare occurrence. The other baby is healthy and strong. Stillbirths are a risk in pregnancy. There's no way you could have known. I'll give you a few minuets.” She left the room, leaving Josh with Serenity.

Mike, Matt and Ian showed up at the hotel, worried about their friends. They had no idea what had happened or what to say. Megan, Kim, and Matt's new girlfriend Alice; all stayed behind. They would be on hand if Loren needed help with the girls. Josh stood in the hall as his friends walked up. They could tell by his expression it was bad. He was sullen and his eyes were red. His shoulders were slumped and he looked like shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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