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Serenity woke up screaming. She was covered a thin layer of sweat. She panted as Josh sat up and hugged her to his body.

"Sere? What's wrong?" He asked, pulling away only to search her eyes for any clue as to what was going on.
"I had this dream that Raelin was found. Dead." She started to cry and Josh pulled her closer.
"I swear to you. Our girls will be found. Safe and alive." He reassured his wife as she cried.

It was becoming a nightly thing for Serenity to have nightmares. This was the worst. There was nothing Josh could do to help. The only thing that would help was if his girls were home. One of the dogs, Ireland slept by the front door. Donner was at the back door while Lexi slept in the hallway between all of the bedrooms. Bennie slept in the master bedroom. There was no chance anyone would get into the house or near Kaelin. There was a new alarm system in the house that was fingerprint activate.

Josh made sure there was always someone home with Serenity and Kaelin. Neither were themselves without the two girls. The house was so empty. So silent, unless a reporter or someone showed up. All the dogs went nuts. Even Bennie was barking more then normal. She knew something was off.

Josh was tired of the lack of news from the cops. So he hired someone to help find his girls. He wanted his kids home. He wanted his family whole. He knew nothing would be ok until the girls were all together again.

Taelin and Raelin were in the bed room, trying to find a way to get word out of where they were. They were smart girls. They knew someone would be looking for them. They just had to get word out. So they thought about it. They found a teddy bear that was bought for them and found a way to open it up.

"Feed them while I go to the store. I need to get more food for them." The blonde girl said.
"I do not want to hear them crying any more, hurry up." The red head said to her friend.

Taelin wrote a basic note. "Help! We are stuck!" and rather then putting it in the bear, they wrapped it around a plane and threw it out their window. It hit a woman who was on the ground and she looked up at the girls, who were waving at her. Trying to get her attention.

The woman looked at the airplane and noticed the note. She looked around and made sure there was no one around while she read the note. She read it twice then looked at them again. They looked like they were pleading with her. They were a few floors up and she thought it was odd that two girl were begging for help.

She took out her phone and thought for a moment before she called 911.

"I received a note from two little girls, who look like they need help. I think they're the missing girls." She explained.
"How do you know it's them?" A man asked.
"They threw a plane down down that was asking for help." She said.
"I need the address. I'll send a unit over to check it out." He said, and the woman gave her number.

Serenity was getting a few things for the girls when she got the call. She froze as Josh said the words. She was frozen, her phone hit the floor as she did. Her sister, Luna had to help her up as she heard the words.

"They found my babies." Serenity was helped up and she went to her car, Luna with her. They had to go to Abbotsford to pick them up. Josh was headed there as well.

Serenity couldn't blame Josh. She blamed the school. As she walked into the emergency room, she scanned for her girls. Josh had Kaelin with him, so she knew there would be loud sounds coming from where ever her girls were. That was when she heard it.

"I'm here for Taelin and Raelin Ramsay. I'm their mother. If you don't let me in, I will sue you and this hospital for everything you're worth." She warned as glared at the nurse.
"There is already someone back there......" The nurse was rather scared of Serenity.
"It's my husband. My daughters are minors and have been missing for almost a month. You had better let me back there." She barked.
"Um one moment....." She jumped up and ran off.

Serenity was livid as she waited for her to come back. Luna sat on a bench near by, finding it funny that her sister could be so intimidating. When a guard came out, he gave the twins a once over and looked at the nurse.

"Only the mother can come back. The girls will be released within the hour." He said as Serenity stepped forward and followed him to her girls.

It seemed like the walk of death as she walked to the room that held her family. She felt sick to her stomach with every step. There was something about hospitals that always made her feel sick, but that feeling was over shadowed by the feeling of having her girls back.

"Mommy!!" The sound had never sounded so perfect as she walked in. Taelin and Raelin said at the same time.
"Tae! Rae!" She walked over to the beds and hugged both of her girls as tears fell down her face. Josh and Kaelin were sitting near the beds, smiling.
"The doctor said they're a little under fed and dehydrated. Other then that perfect." He said as she walked over and kissed him.
"Who had them?" She asked as she sat on his lap.
"That's the part they won't even tell me. They said we have to wait." He couldn't be sure why, unless it was real bad or someone they knew. There were a lot of variables that would be a factor in why they weren't told who was arrested.
"I want to know who took my babies." She hissed.
"And we will. Once the cops have everything handled.

It was a few hours before the girls were allowed to go home. Once they were, Taelin and Raelin were excited to see their family. Even more to find three new dogs to play with. Everyone was happy to have the girls back. Everything was back to normal. Except for the lawsuit Serenity's dad filed against the preschool.

"Are you sure that's really necessary?" Mile's asked at dinner.
"It was their fault the girls were taken. It's not normal for someone to walk in and take two little girls without someone noticing! I am not letting them go unscathed from this. I want someone held accountable aside from the people who took them." Adam explained.

There was no reasoning with Serenity's father. He was set in his ways and would do what he wanted as grandfather to the girls. Just as Kimberly did something without asking Serenity or Josh.

"I spoke with a friend of mine. He makes amazing play houses for children. I asked him to make three. He's starting them now. That way the girls each have a little house to play in and can be little neighbors!" She smiled.
"Why would you do this?" Serenity asked, rather annoyed.
"I asked him about it before their birthday. He was swamped. He just started them. There's a magical windmill playhouse, that one will be pink, purple and white with flowers inside and lights. Running water and an intercom. Then there's the grand Victorian playhouse. It had a cute little wrap around porch with stained glass windows and flower boxes. It's going to have lights, water and another intercom. It'll be white with a purple trim. And the other is my favorite! It's a little Victorian house with a loft, flower boxes, a little bay window and sitting room. It's going to be pale pink with lavender and blue." She was proud of herself.
"What made you think we would want something so outrageous for the girls? That's a lot for them. They're only 4!" She hissed.
"I just wanted to do something nice for my grandchildren. They're well worth the money. He's coming in a few days to set them up." Kimberly was taken back by her daughter's anger.

Serenity threw her napkin on the table and went to her room. She was livid that her mother would spend so much on her daughters without asking her or Josh. They didn't want to spoil the girls. They wanted them to have a normal life. What was next? Dogs?

"I tend to agree with Sere, that's a bit much for them. I know it's already paid for and going to be built, but that is a lot." Josh said as he thought about it.

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