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here it is! chapter 2! let me know what you think! I am so sorry it took so long. With things in my life so hectic it's hard to get things done. I will try to get 3 up asap! Please comment and let me know what you think!!!!!!!

Josh sat in the studio and held his head in his hands. He had to think about how to get rid of Amanda. It would be a nightmare. He wanted to be with his kids and the woman who held his heart, not someone who was a raving bitch. He was lost in thought when Mike walked in.

"Hey! Do I dare ask how your night was?" He laughed as he sat down.

"Mind blowingly amazing." He gave a laugh as he put his head back.

"So you fixed what happened?" He asked as Matt and Ian walked in.

"Amanda has to go for anything to happen." He groaned.

"No offense but thank god! She is annoying as hell." He let out a sigh of relief.

"So how was dinner with Sere?" Matt join in the conversation.

"It went well. Just have to fix a few things." Josh gave a small laugh.

"You have to get rid of Amanda." Ian laughed as he joined in as well.

"Well duh. I won't let her stand in the way of me and my family." He sighed as he thought of how he would end it.

"Do it quick and clean." Ian said drinking some water.

"Just call her and tell her it's done." Matt offered.

"Do it in a text." Matt laughed.

"You are all dicks. I need to grow a set and talk to her about it. Tell her it's not working out and that we need to end things." Josh stated just as Amanda walked in.

He let out a heavy sigh as she walked up and kissed him. He felt horrible. Josh felt nothing when she kissed him. It wasn't like with Serenity. There was fire, passion, heat. With Amanda it was empty. Josh didn't feel anything. Sex was a bore. It was like fucking a board. Josh had no real idea why he even went back to her after what happened with Serenity. Now he had a chance to get her back, all he had to do was get rid of Amanda.

"Oh my god! I was so worried when you didn't come home!! Where were you?!" She hissed at him.

"I was at Matt's. Had too much to drink." He shrugged.

"You could have called. Both of you." She hissed.

"I don't see how it matters to you." Josh snapped.

"I'm your girlfriend. It matters. I matter so little to you! The guys and those 3 little shits mean more then I do!" She yelled.

"I'm not getting in to this. Get out. I have to work" He shouted at her, she recoiled and looked shocked. Josh rarely yelled. When he did everyone would get worried.

"We will finish this later Joshua!" She stormed out and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Drop her. Fast." Matt said as they all got up top get to work.

Serenity thought about the fact Josh was going to try and be open with her. He wanted things to work out. It made her feel good to know she could start to trust him again. The girls were excited, they would get to see their father more. He was due to be over for dinner, he had promised them a week ago he would be at the house.

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