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Josh ran into the hospital looking for his wife. He picked up Taelin, Kaelin and Raelin on the way. Malissa and Eric were on their way to the hospital as well. Not only to check on Serenity but to get checked in. Malissa went into labor once Josh called her.

“Can I help you?” A woman asked, not bothering to look up.

“I'm here for my wife. Serenity Ramsay. She came in like 4 hours ago.” Josh said as he tried not to drop a sleepy Raelin.

“I want mommy!” Kaelin said as she looked at her father.

“Let me check. Please go sit down.” She let out a yawn as she typed a few things. Mike, Megan, Matt, Nicole, Ian and Kim ran in.

“Anything?” Matt asked as Taelin ran to him.

“Nothing yet. I was told to sit down.” He sighed as he looked around the almost empty ER.

“Mr. Ramsay, you're wife is in the back. You can go back. No kids.” She said as she held up a pass.

“I'll go check on her. Find out about Malissa. They were headed here. She's in labor.” Josh said as he handed Raelin to Mike.

“Daddy tell mommy we love her.” Taelin said as Matt picked her up.

“I will kiddo.” He smiled at his daughter as he went into the back.

Serenity was trying to sleep when Josh walked in. Danielle was next to her watching over her. Josh was grateful someone was with her.

“Hey how is she?” Josh asked, walking over to his wife.

“No idea. They gave her some mild pain meds cause of the babies. They're doing great. They have no idea what's causing the pain. They need to find the cause.” She hissed as a nurse walked by.

“What have they done?” Josh asked as he took Serenity's hand, making her wake up a bit.

“Um.....an X-ray and a CT. Took blood and urine. They better know soon.” She sighed.

“Go get a coffee. I've got her.” He smiled as she looked at him.

“Baby you're here.” She smiled.

“Yea. I made it. You any better?” He asked, pulling chair up as close as he could to the bed.

They sat softly talking when the doctor walked in. He didn't look to happy as he looked at the chart and then too Serenity. He looked relieved and worried.

“I'm Dr. Freid. The babies are great. No issues. Happy news. The bad news is there is a 5.5 millimeter kidney stone blocking the ureter tube on the right kidney. There's no way the urine can pass through and that's partly where the pain in coming from. The other part is there the stone is. There isn't much we can do aside from admit you and watch. We have to make sure it won't cause any damage.” He explained.

“And how did I get a stone?” She asked, worried.

“It could have been caused by anything. Too much red meat, too much milk, there are a lot of reasons you could have too much calcium. We're gonna put you on a white meat diet, no water unless it has lemon in it to bind with calcium. Less milk for now. We can go over all that after we admit you.” He offered her the best explanation he could.

“I want to see my girls. Let them know why I can't go home.” She stated, looking at Josh.

“Mrs. Ramsay, let us get you in a room then I will allow them up.” He said as he walked off.

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