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Knowing that Thanksgiving was around he corner made things a little more stressful in the house. There wasn't much they do other then prepare for it. Josh invited his family over for dinner. Serenity also asked her family over. They had a lot of prep to do for dinner. So Serenity decided to cheat this year. She called Danielle and Malissa to cater the dinner. Serenity was not up to making dinner 18 people. There was no way in hell that would happen.

"Are you sure you want to use the company for this?" He asked as he read over the choices for food.

"Yea. It'll take too long for me to cook all that food and take care of the girls then get the house ready and get everything else done. It's one less thing I have to do." She sighed as she thought of how to set up the tables and to seat everyone. She wanted to have a nice relaxing meal.

"Ok......well the guys might pop by to say hi before they go to their families for dinner. So just a heads up." He laughed as he checked off a few things.

"That's fine as long as I have a heads up. I know Malissa is coming and I have no idea if Luna is bringing anyone. So I have to make sure I have enough food and seats." Serenity hated being unprepared. She would triple check everything to make sure she was ready.

Josh thought it was funny. He loved how she always made sure everything was perfect. She was hell bent on making things perfect. She wanted a perfect holiday. He knew that wasn't likely to happen, but he wasn't about to ruin her plans. He knew he had to stay out of the way unless told to do something.

He noticed her was more worried then normal. Like she wanted to prove something to the families. He just sat back and let her do her thing. It was like watching a bee fly around. It was 3 weeks till thanksgiving and she was already cleaning and freaking out. It would be a long 3 weeks.

Serenity was in the basement going through toys when Eric showed up. He had a father to be smile on his face as he walked up to his sister. She gave him a tight hug and laughed at the words that left his mouth.

"So you and Josh again?" He smirked.

"Not really. I mean not yet. I have no idea. I moved back to give the girls more of a family life. Making them go back and forth isn't fair. So I came back." She sighed as she taped a box shut and pushed it aside.

"You're nervous for Thanksgiving." He pointed out as he noticed how clean the basement was, apart from Josh's studio.

"Well yea. I want this to be perfect for the girls. I also want the families to see things are good with Josh and I. I don't want the questions anymore." She stopped what she was doing and let out a sigh.

"You want to get back with Josh. You want another chance with him......" He seemed shocked.

"Yes." She felt a few tears fall.

"That's why you want it perfect. You want everyone to see how hard you're trying. I know Josh wants you back, but I had no idea you still wanted him." Eric pulled her close and hugged her.

"I love him E. More then anything. Well not more then the girls, but you know what I mean. I want to be with Josh and no one else. I don't know what I'd do without him. He makes me happy. He makes me laugh. Even when I feel like total shit he's always trying to make me feel better. Even when he was with Amanda, he tried to make sure I was ok and make sure the girls were ok. He always sounded happy when he called to talk to me. I don't want to be without him. I need to get over worrying about him cheating. He's not Clark." She sighed into her bother's shirt.

"You need to tell him that. Sooner rather then later. I know how he feels about you. He loves you and the girls so much. He'd do anything to make you happy. And hey! Mom and dad like him. His family likes you. You couldn't ask for anything better." Eric laughed.

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