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Serenity rushed to the preschool as soon as Josh called her. It was all a blur as she raced to find out what happened to her daughters. There was no one aside from family allowed to take the girls from school.

When she arrived she saw 4 officers talking with Josh as he held Kaelin. She was in tears as she thought about her other children.

"Mrs. Ramsay?" One of the men asked.
"Yes. What's going on? Where are my girls?" She hissed as Josh held her close and hugged her.
"We're not sure. I'm Sergeant Fisher and I'm in charge of missing children cases. Since two of the girls were taken from school, it's a high priority. Normally it's someone you know and since your husband got a phone call it's more likely someone close to you and your family." He explained, trying to keep them calm.
"Someone we know? Who would want to take our children? All of our friends and family adore them and wouldn't dream of harming them!! Think outside of your scope!" Serenity shouted as she cried.
"We need a list of all the employees who work for you, work here, friends of the family and family. We have to question everyone. It's not to make your lives hell, it's to make sure no one you know could have taken the girls." He explained as a woman walked out with the head of the preschool and teacher who was suppose to be looking after the triplets.
"We have 6 teachers, 6 teacher's aids and 10 office staff including our nurse." Principal Kelly explained as she gave officers the list.
"We have to talk to everyone. This isn't something that can just go away. We need to know if anyone came into the school or talked to the girls today." A woman said as she walked up. She had long red hair and wore a skirt with a matching jacket. She had an air about her, one that said everyone had to listen to her.

Elsewhere in Vancouver.............

Taelin and Raelin sat in an apartment full of toys. They knew better then to trust the two women holding them captive. They were scared and wanted their parents. The sisters sat in a corner, staying silent and hoping they're parents would show up soon.

"We made a mistake taking the kids. Josh will never want to meet us after this! We're looking at jail time!" One of the girls said.
"Well this was your idea! We should have taken all three. Not just two. We could have leverage." The 2nd woman was annoyed..

Josh was sitting in the living room wondering what happened. How someone could take two of his kids? It was mind blowing. There was no reason to take them. Kaelin was devastated that her sisters were missing. She was taken out of school and would be home until the other girls were found. It was odd that this would happen after everything was going so right.

"I have no idea!" Serenity cried into her father's shoulder.
"Whoever has them, better pray that the cops find them first. I've hired someone to keep an eye on the house. We're keeping this out of the news. We don't want people swarming the house. No one gets into the house without being on the list." He explained as he held his daughter.
"It had to be someone who was angry that you are together." Kimberly offered as she watched Luna and Eric with Kaelin.
"There's Clark and Amanda. Um I think maybe Noel or Kasey. It's not like a lot of people hate us. I know Clark was pissed about the divorce, but I don't think he'd take my kids." Serenity said as she sat next to Josh and rested her head on his shoulder.
"We gave a list of everyone. Friends, family and people who might hurt us. Nothing has popped up. What's gonna stop them from trying to take Kaelin?" Josh asked Adam.
"The security I hired has strict instructions. No one is allowed in without being on a list with a photo id. No one is getting near Kae. No one." He said as his phone rang. He was dealing with most of the calls from the police and the reports who had found out about the missing kids.
"There will even people in the house making sure everything is right. You need to get a guard dog. You have to take every pro-caution that you can." Eric offered.
"I don't want some dog that's gonna bite! I want a dog tha can be good with the kids and scare people. Not an attack dog." Serenity stressed as she thought about what her brother said.
"Get a dog that will be good with kids but protect you as well. We can go look a few dogs and see what pops out. There's a lot of dogs that are great with kids and great at keeping you safe." He offered.
"I have to know that we're safe but the kids can play with the dog." She stressed.
"Trust me. I have a few breeds in mind that would be perfect." He promised as he and Luna got ready to leave.

The following day, Serenity and Eric went in search of the perfect dog for the house. It was not an easy task. Eric thought of a German Shepard, Doberman, Boxers and Standard Poodles. It wasn't until Serenity saw a few Australian Shepherds. She saw a few at the breeders home playing with kids. She smiled as she thought of the idea of two being at the house. She loved the idea, Eric thought the breed was too girly. Something about the breed didn't strike fear in his heart, until he approached the front door. A large black, white and tan dog ran up, barking and growling at him.

"Down Hurley!" A woman said as she walked up, she pulled the large dog back and put him in a sit. He sat down and waited as she opened the door.
"Hello, we spoke on the phone. My sister is looking for good dog to keep her family safe." Eric explained.
"Oh yes!! I've raised and bred Aussies for years. They may look calm and relaxed, but they are very protective if they've bonded with a family. They love kids and are great companion pets." She said as they were let in.
"This is my sister Serenity Ramsay." He smiled.
"It's great to meet you. I'm Kelsey. How many kids?" She asked as they walked out to a large backyard where a few kids played with a bunch of large puppies.
"I have three 3 girls." She said, feeling herself about to cry.
"Oh nothing better then an Aussie for girls." She laughed as we watched the dogs playing.
"They're beautiful puppies! How old?" Serenity asked as she watched the kids.
"Well I have a few blue merles that are around 7 months, some red merles that are 5 months, a few tris that are almost a year, and red tris that are 8 months." She explained.
"Why so many different ages?" Eric asked.
"Random litters. No two litters are breed with the same dogs." Kelsey explained.
"Could I see the puppies?" Serenity smiled as she looked at the dogs.
"Let me grab them so you can see them." She offered as she led the siblings to a fenced area and let them sit while she grabbed a few dogs at a time to show them off..

Serenity fell in love with a blue merle female who was very playful and wanted her attention. She smiled as she rolled on her back for a belly scratch.

"This is Lilly, Amaya, Donner and Lexi." Kelsey said as Lexi was rolling for Serenity.
"This one likes me." She laughed as the dog jumped into her lap.
"I think she wants you." Eric laughed as the red tri colored male sat next to him.
"It looks like you both got chosen!" Kelsey smiled as she watched the dogs.
"Would it be ok to see one more female?" Serenity asked as the other dogs just ran around.
"Not an issue! I can grab a few of the other males as well." She smiled as she walked off.
"This girl is so sweet. I want her." Serenity laughed as she ran a hand over the dog.
"She is a pretty dog." Eric admitted.
"This is one of our older boys, Ireland, he's a red merle but he looks white. He's a real good boy. Then theres the blue merle girl named Kelly, a tri boy named Payton and that little white one is a light blue merle named Irish." Kelsey explained.
"I'll take Lexi, Donner and Ireland." Serenity laughed as she thought of how the girls would love the dogs, when they were all home.

After paying for the three dogs, Eric and Serenity headed to pet store to get food and collars. She wanted to make sure the dogs were loved. Since they had basic names, Serenity decided to name them all and get them tags.

Serenity picked out the same collars for all the dogs, just different colors. The baby blue went on the Donner, a pale pink went on Lexi and Ireland got a kelly green collar. It was easy getting everything the dogs would need. Now to make sure no one got into the house.

"You got three dogs?" Josh laughed as all three dogs ran into the house and started to explore.
"I couldn't help it. They are so sweet and smart dogs. I just had to get all three! There's Donner, Ireland and Lexi." She smiled as Lexi walked up to her as she sat down.
"Lexi has taken to you fast." Josh said as he sat down with his wife.
"Eric thought Aussies were a bad idea, but I fell in love the moment I saw them." She smiled as Eric sat down with Donner.
"Where's Kae?" Erica asked as Hunter ran around the house.
"She's napping. She's been crying off and on all day. She just wants her sisters." Josh said as Ireland ran up the stairs.
"The police need to find them. I can't keep doing this. I want my girls home!!!" Serenity wanted her children home. She didn't want to think of some random people hurting them or anything.
"They will find them. All we can do it wait. We have dogs to help keep the house safe and the police are doing all they can to find the girls.

Taelin and Raelin were crying in the middle of the night, waking up the woman who had them. She had to fight the urge not to scream at the girls.
Need to be quiet! You'll alert the people next door. You need to shut up." She hissed.
"My mommy and daddy are going to hurt you!" Taelin hissed.
"Your mother won't do shit to me. I have what she wants so she'll be more then willing to give me what I want." She laughed.
"You're evil you red head!!!!" Raelin hissed as she clung to her sister.
"You have no idea what I have in store for your daddy. He'll meet us and want to hang out with us. One way or another.." She said as she walked out and slammed the door. She wanted to make sure the brats knew who was in charge.

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