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Josh was still in shock the next morning when he got up to get the girls ready for school. Serenity told him he had to show her he would try. He had too prove to her that he wanted to be with her and the girls. It wasn't fair. He loved his daughters and he loved Serenity. What more did she want? She wanted him to prove it. How was he going to do that when she made things so damn hard.

Josh got the to school on time and smiled as they told the teacher who he was, even though she already knew. He left and headed out to get a few things for his daughters and Serenity. He wanted to prove to her he loved her and that he would be around. So he went to the first place that came to mind. He was going to make them dinner and show Serenity how much he loved her and how much he needed her in his life. He had everything planned out. He wanted to make sure that everything was perfect.

".......so 2 dozen pink roses with a card that says meet me at 7 with the girls. No exuses." Josh told a floarist as he started dinner. He knew that Serenity wouldn't ignore the note and would bring the girls.

As he chopped the carrots and the potatoes, his sister Sarah walked in and smiled at her brother.

"Hey baby brother. What's up?" She asked as she watched him trying to figure out how to cook a chicken.

"Trying to make diner for my family." He smiled.

"Ren and the girls?" She asked as she took the pan that was far too small for the large chicken and found a larger one.

"Yep. She said I had to prove I would be around and make an effort. That's what I'm doing." He said proudly as he watched his sister put the bird in the large roasting pan.

"This is a start, you need to make sure you can have more time with them and be there when you say you will. No more breaking promises." Sarah knew how much her brother loved Serenity and his daughters. It was hard watching him be so sad. It was hard not to step in but that she knew that Josh had to make her see how much he loved her and needed her. She was more then willing to help him.

"I know and it takes time. This is a step in the right direction. So here I am." He said as he dumped the vegtables in the pot and smiled.

He set out three dolls on the couch and a red box on the counter as Sarah made sure the food didn't burn. Josh cleaned up the house and made sure everything was perfect as possible. Sarah took the pan out and let josh know it was ready. Sarah left just a few moments before Serenity and the girls showed up. Josh was getting the plates ready as they walked in.

"Josh?" Serenity looked for him as the girls saw the dolls. She stopped on her way to the kitchen when she saw the red box.

"In here!!!" He called as she picked up the box and walked into the kitchen.

"Wow....this looks amazing." She said as she looked at the table.

"I thought dinner as a family would be fun." He smiled as she held the box.

"This is a nice surprise." She smiled back a him as the girls ran in.

"Thank ......" Taelin smiled.

"You......" Kaelin added.

"Daddy!!!" Raelin laughed as they all hugged him.

"Now I think mommy needs to open her gift." He laughed as she looked at her hands.

"Ok....." She laughed as she opened the the red box and let out a gasp. Inside was a gold bracelet with a matching little screw driver. Around the bracelet were small indentations of screws, but there were two real screws. Serenity looked at Josh with wonder as she considered the gift.

"This is a love bracelet. The only way to put it on or take it off is with that small screw driver. I thought it was symbolic." He smiled.

"I like it. It's great." She smiled as she kissed him. Josh took the screw driver and bracelet and put it on her. He placed the screw driver on his desk.

"So what made you want to do this?" Serenity asked as she got the girls ready for dinner.

"You said I had to show you I want this to work and that I'm gonna be around. Well here I am." He said as he set the plates on the table.

"I see your trying but one night won't prove anything." She sighed.

"I am going to be around. I won't let you walk out of my life or take the girls. I'll make this work." He swore as they all sat down to eat.

Dinner was a quiet affair, Josh had the feeling that Serenity wasn't convinced that he was going to be around and make good on his promises unless it was life or death. He wasn't going to let his famil down.

Serenity started to see a change in Josh, he was making himself avalible for the girls and for her. He was trying hard to make changes. He cut his hours back at the studio and made sure he was always home by 8. Serenity smiled at the thought of Josh making such a big effort. She also knew what she wanted. She wanted Josh and she wanted the girls to have a family. Luna had been trying hard to make amends for what she put her sister and Josh through, the way she was able to that was watching the triplets and taking shifts at the company.

Eric and Malissa were happy and planning on their first child and a buying a house. It was interesting to see her brother getting ready to havea kid. Eric had always been so set on waiting for kids. He wanted to have his name next to their father's on the law firm, make a name for himself. Well it seemed life had a way of putting things inperspective.

A few weeks past and Serenity started to feel like shit. She had no idea what was wrong or why she felt so run down and tired. Josh was helping out with the girls and trying to help her get better.

Serenity stayed home from work one day due to the bad wave of nausea she had felt. It was around the time she chose to see a doctor. She knew she had to go but she had the feeling she knew why she was sick. She thought about to the night with Josh a few months prior and her heart sank. She knew the night had been great but the thought of another baby while she had 3 2 years olds who had a birthday coming. She wouldn't be able to handle another baby so soon. She shook the thought out of her head as she headed out. She needed to find out what the problem was. She was praying there was no baby.

Josh sat in the living room with the girls when Amanda walked in. She looked perturbed and determined.

"What are they doing here?" She hissed when she saw the girls.

"They're my daughters. They're allowed to be here. You are not. Give me the key you used to let yourself in." Josh snapped.

"It's mine. We need to talk. Now. Alone." She hissed at him.

"No. We're over. We have nothing to talk about." Josh was getting mad at Amanda's tone.

"Fine. I'm pregnant." She said as she sat down on the couch.

Josh's face went as white as a ghost as the words sunk in. There was no way she could be pregnant....could there?

dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuun......

Yea I'm an evil bitch. But hey so is amanda!

Let me know what you think. As soon as I can I will post more!

The more comments I get the more i update!!!!!!

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