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Amanda walked into Josh's house, to find toys everywhere and heard screaming. She groaned as she thought of the demon children there. She wanted time with Josh. Time she couldn't spend with him while the 3 evil brats were around. She shut the door and groaned when they ran to her.

"Where's......" Taelin started.

"Our..." Kaelin added.

"Mommy?" Raelin finished.

"Not here. Go do something." Amanda growled as she walked past them and headed to find Josh.

"You mean!" The girls yelled as they took off.

"Little bitches." She hissed as she walked off.

Josh was in his office when Amanda found him. He was hard at work on something when she decided to sit on his desk.

"I want you. Now." She moaned at josh, trying to get him to pay attention to her.

"I have to work and watch my daughters." He sighed as he got up, pulling the papers out from under Amanda's ass.

"Why won't you fuck me?!" She hissed as she followed him.

"Daddy....." Kaelin looked at him with curious eyes.

"Yes sweetie?" He asked, looking at her.

"What's fuck?" She looked at her father with the same blue eyes.

"Amanda get out. We're done. Get the hell out!" He snapped.

"You're making a huge fucking mistake Josh. They're not your kids! They're some other guys kids! Mark my words!!" She screamed as she left. Kaelin started to cry at Amanda's words.

"Shhhh, Kae it's ok. She's just angry. You're my daughter. You all are." He said as she hugged him tight.

"She's mean." Taelin said as she ran up to her father and sister.

"I know. She won't be back." He hugged all three girls as Raelin ran up.

Josh got the girls in their chairs for dinner and smiled as they attacked the spaghetti he had made. As soon as they were done eating, he had them all head to the bathroom and getting ready for a bath. They protested but did as they were told. Just as he put them in their beds, Serenity walked in. She saw the mess and shook her head.

"Hey you." Josh smiled as he greeted her with a kiss.

"Well hey to you too." She laughed as he pulled her close.

"The girls were great. One run in with Amanda, but nothing to bad. I took care of it, she's talking shit and that kind of thing." He sighed as he took out the bowl of spaghetti and made Serenity a plate.

"Wait. She was around the girls? Why was she here? You know I don't like her near them!" She seethed.

"She was trying to get me to sleep with her. I didn't ask her in. She walked in. I was with her for over a year. She kind of just does what she wants." Josh said as he set the plate down.

"Keep her away from the girls. I don't trust her. She's up to something." Serenity wasn't sure what Amanda was up too but she sure as hell didn't trust her.

"She won't be around anymore." Josh hoped he was right. He didn't want to risk Serenity ending things again and telling him there was no hope.

After Serenity ate, she went to check on the girls and found Josh in his room softly playing a guitar.

"What's that you're playing?" She asked with a small smile.

"Just an idea I'm messing with. I have no idea if we're gonna use it. Wanna hear it?" He seemed happy that she had asked.

"I'd love too. I love it when you sing." She laughed as she sat on the bed next to him.

"You say, sometimes, it's like I hardly know you. And maybe there's somethings I never showed you. Sometimes you're certain, but just can't get it working at all. You say to yourself somebody better. Will understand you more than I ever. I'll shake his hand, and smile, and say I understand, while I do, that don't mean I don't think about you..." His voice trailed off, leaving Serenity speechless. She remembered telling Josh that maybe someone else would be able to handle things better then she had. That they needed to try dating other people.

"You wrote this while we were apart....." She thought about it for a moment then looked up at him.

"Yea. I was real down and I started to write and then Amanda showed up. All kinds of shit went down." He sighed as he set his guitar down and pulled her close.

"I thought it was best. I know it was wrong and I want this to work. I don't want to mess this all up again and jump to the wrong conclusion like I did with Carly." She sighed.

"There is no one else I'd rather be with." He said as he kissed her.

Amanda started yelling after she got off the phone. The results were positive that Josh was the father. She was pissed. There was no way he could be the father. She fumed and threw things around and wrecked her apartment.

"I don't want to see you with anyone else. We've got three amazingly smart little girls and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy and keep you in my life." Josh explained as he held her close.

"I love you Josh, more then you could know. I love how we have 3 beautiful little girls who are going to love music. I don't want to find anyone else. There is no one else who gets me like you do. No one else who can put up with my shit other then Dani and Malissa. I'm not saying let's run off and get married, but we have to take it slow." She said as she curled next to him.

"I know we both have issues. Me working all the time and missing out on time with the girls, you with worrying about if I'm cheating or not. Things will change. I'll tell the guys I have to be home more. I have to be here for the girls. I'll do whatever it takes to make this work." He swore as he kissed her.

"It's one thing to say it Josh. It's another to make it happen. I don't want to see the girls sad because you can't it to dinner or something. Being a dad is more then just being a sperm donor." She sighed as she sat up.

"I know. I didn't walk away did I? I've been here as much as I can. And I'll do more. I love those girls. They mean so much to me. To hear them laugh makes my heart soar. Are you trying to tell me if we can't make it work I can't see them?" He sounded shocked.

"Unless you can make an honest effort and show me that you can make us work, I guess so. I don't want to do that to you. I don't want them to grow up without you." She tried not to cry as the words left her mouth.

"You can't just take them away! How is that fair?" He sounded hurt.

"Then prove to me that you can be there. Prove to me that I can trust you. The fact Amanda was here worries me. That woman is a parasite who is up to no good. I will not stand by and let some coke head whore try to be around my daughters!" She snapped at him.

"She won't be around anymore. I told her to get the hell out. You are the only one that I want to be with! I want us to be a family." He said as he felt a tear fall.

"Then show me that. I need to head home. You have to take the girls to school in the morning." She said as she left.

Serenity felt horrible for being so harsh with him, but she had to make Josh see how serious she was. She left without another word. She had to get out of the house and figure everything out. Sure she and Josh had chemistry in the bedroom, that had never been a problem. Their problems were more in the every day department. He worked a lot which made it hard for him to help with the kids. So she had to make him understand that if he didn't make an effort and show he could help out, she'd leave. She'd take the girls and leave.

Ok so let me know what you think. I think it's a bit blah. let me know what you think.

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