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Serenity sighed as she sat in the exam room. The wait was killing her as she sat there. She wanted to see her girls. She walked to talk to Josh. She wanted to know why she felt so horrible. When the door opened, she looked up and hoped that it was good news.

"Serenity, I have your results. You're not pregnant. You are slightly anemic, but you have a bad case of the flu. Nothing a little rest can't fix." She smiled as she looked over the chart.

"So I just need rest?" She asked as she checked her phone.

"Yea. Take it easy. Get some help with the girls and rest." She said as she got up and left.

Serenity went home and let out a sigh. She wasn't pregnant. Maybe someday she would want another baby, but not at that moment. She had other things to take care of. She needed to get things fixed with Josh. She wanted to be with him more then anything. She wanted to be a family with him. She didn't want to waste time wondering if it could work. She wanted her girls to have their father and know that he was there when they needed him. She didn't want Josh to just be a part time dad.

Josh sent the girls to their room while he dealt with Amanda. There was no way she could be pregnant. He hadn't had sex with her in months. He had been trying to get rid of her. There was no way he would be the father.

"There is no way in hell you're pregnant or that I'm the father. That would require us to have had sex in the last few months and that hasn't happened. There is no way in hell I'm the father and you're not willing to gain weight." Josh scoffed at her as he cleaned up.

"You are the dad and I'm pregnant, why can't you be happy?" She pouted.

"Because I stopped fucking you 5 months ago!! You'd be showing if you were pregnant!" He snapped as he threw toys in box.

"You are such a dick Joshua!" She screamed as Serenity walked in.

"Um.......am I interrupting?" She asked as she shot icy glares at Amanda. She looked at Josh who looked worried.

"I was just leaving." Amanda scoffed at Serenity as she looked at what the other woman had on. Jeans, a t-shirt and heels.

"Leave your key!" Josh snapped.

"Fuck you." She hissed as she threw the key at him.

Serenity looked at Josh and had to wonder what the hell had gone on and where the kids were. Josh stopped cleaning and walked over to her. She threw her hands up and stopped him.

"What the hell was she doing here?" She asked.

"She was trying to play off she was pregnant. Not possible. She's mad I don't want to be with her." He sighed as he looked at her.

"I hate the idea of her near the girls. She's trying to keep us apart and I'm not having it." Serenity snapped as Josh laughed.

"How was the doctor?" He asked as he hugged her close.

"I have the flu. I have to take it easy for the next few days." She sighed.

"Stay here. I can help with the girls and work from here. You can sleep and relax." He offered, as she looked up she saw a huge smile on his face.

"I'll think about it. Where are the girls?" She asked as she looked around, noticing how quiet it was.

"I sent them to their room......." He said picking up on her worry.

"How long ago?" She headed up the stairs with Josh behind her.

"Uh like an hour maybe." He said  as he followed her.

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