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So this is the new sequel. I hope you like it. It will kind of start like dirty little secret. Yes dirty. Please let me know what you think!!! I am going to throw a few kinks into the mix as I write this! So here is chapter one!!

Josh and Serenity came to terms with the fact they needed to deal with their issues and until they did there was no point for them to be together. It had been 3 years. The girls were in preschool and talking. They knew who their dad was, but they had no idea why he didn't live with them. It was hard for them to understand.

"Tae! Rae! Kae! Come on! You're gonna be late!" Serenity hissed at her daughters as they sat in front of a tv.

"Mommy, daddy on tv!" Taelin said as she looked up, all three girls had their father's eyes. Bright, full of love, life and ocean blue.

"I'll record it. School now!" She hissed.

Serenity had the girls in preschool so they would grow up normal and well adjusted. Fat good it did when they saw their father on tv and he brought them all kinds of presents. She hated the idea of him spoiling them so much.

As she loaded the 3 girls into her car and sighed as she made sure she had everything. She locked up her small house and made sure Krypto was out. She got in the car took drove the few miles too the school.

"Good morning Serenity! Hello girls. Are you ready to greet the day?" Ms. Lisa smiled.

"Yes Ms Lisa." They said at the same time.

"They are so cute!" She smiled.

"That they are. They're uncle Mike will be picking them up today. I have a meeting and their father is working late." She sighed as she signed them in.

"No problem. You mean Mike Ayley right?" She asked as she read the contact card.

"Yea. He'll be here around 2." She smiled as she kissed each of her daughters good bye.

As Serenity left the preschool she let out a sigh. She hated that she had to work so much and keep missing time with Josh and the girls. She had an idea that might clear up any issues she and Josh had. She knew he was back with Amanda, had been for a while. Sure it bugged the shit out of her, but there was no way around it. She and Josh needed to fix things so they weren't at odds anymore.

She sat in her office at the catering company and smiled as Malissa walked in.

"Hey Serenity. We just got 4 more events and one record release party." She smiled as she put the papers on her desk.

"Great. I'll handle the release party. You and Danielle can handle the rest. I'll call in Josie and Noel to help out." She smiled back.

"How are things?" Malissa asked as she sat down.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she looked up from the top papers.

"The girls, Josh, everything." She looked worried.

"I'm fine. Things are fine. The girls are great. Josh is fucking the walking, talking, money grubbing skank from hell." Serenity hated Amanda. She talked down to the girls and Josh did nothing.

"No anger I see." Malissa laughed.

"I know I jumped the gun with that Carly thing, but I didn't want to risk it. Now I miss him so much and the girls hate not seeing him a lot." She let out a sigh as she wrote a few notes.

"I know. Oh before I forget, the 3rd party wants Zebra and Leopard Gossamer to be hung above the tables and around the room." She smiled.

"Of course. A sweet 16 party." She laughed softly.

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