A flash of the past

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I sat on a chair with a cup of tea/coffee in my hand. Isaac sat in front of me with a cup of tea/coffee, sipping the drink. We've sat like this for several minutes without speaking. Neither of us knew how to start the conversation.


I got off my chest.

"You wanted to talk to me about something important."

"Ah! Yes!"

He stammered.

"It's about an event that happened some time ago and-"

"Isaac, I don't want to talk about the Dinobots. Nor about the... bounty hunter."

I exhaled and put my drink on the table.

"No . . . I didn't want to talk about Dinobots or the bounty hunter, this is something else entirely. Something that... I've never shared with anyone in my life. nobody"

He scratched his head and also placed his glass on the table. I opened my mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted when he made a 'shh' gesture with his finger. I raised my eyebrows uncomprehendingly. He looked around, as if making sure no one was watching. Then, facing me, he turned and began to speak:

"You know . . . it's been years since I started creating Isaac Sumdac products. And every one of my products has a security camera in case the robot goes rogue. Well, one day, about fifteen years ago, one of my cameras caught a strange meteorite approaching the ground at superhuman speed. The energy from the meteorite was so strong that when the meteorite touched the ground, all the current around 300 meters, it exploded."

Your eyes widened in shock.

'Why is he telling me this?' 

"Well . . . and a few hours after the crash, I decided to run a few tests on the meteorite. All around was space dust and piles of meteorite pieces. It was getting ready for night, so I had to bring a flashlight. And as I walked along the crater, I saw something I had never seen before in my life."

His hands began to tremble and sweat ran down his forehead.

"What... did you see?"

He turned toward me and continued.

"It was a glass ball with purple gas inside it."

My heart stopped and my blood ran cold. I knew right away what he saw was Cybertria. DE never mentioned how she got here on Earth.

"Well . . . like any other scientist excited about his new invention, I decided to take it home to my research lab. Everything went perfectly the first few days. Because of the ball, I could actually perfect all my machines, but...."

Wiping his sweat from his brow, he continued nervously.

"One... one of my robots got badly damaged. I was gonna go fix it, so I took it to my lab, and since I didn't have any room on my desk, I put it next to the thing. I had no idea what the consequences of direct contact between the robot and the sphere would be. Purple lightning began to flash from the sphere, hitting the core of the robot several times.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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