~Tic Tac~

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Y/N Pov :




I groaned when I heard an annoying buzzing sound. I lazily opened my eyes and rubbed my eyes to absorb the daylight. Reaching my phone, my face turned into shocked expression. It was call from my old friend, Jane. Without doubt i picked up, and being greeted by very loud shout :

"Do you have any idea what time it is?! Y/N! This is not you!"

"*Yawn* Good morning to you too!"

I greeted and laughed a bit.

"How are you?"

"Well, it could be better. But thanks for asking! How about you? -I got to my feet so I could change into something comfortable- I've heard of those living robots in your city. You must feel awful. I know what you have phobia of machines."

"I don't have phobia of machines, it's just that... they scares me. You never know when they change their minds."

"Aw come on! This is not The Terminator, or any other movie. This is real live. And... those Autobots protect people, don't they?"

If I could, i would give her an expression that says otherwise. But the only thing i could do, is 'tsh' and rolled my eyes.

"People maybe, but not the buildings."

"Oh... that's suck."

I smiled a little and sat on the edge of the bed. 

"And what is traveling around the world like? You haven't written to me in a long time or sent me anything."

"Yeah, I'm reeeaaally sorry, but i just wanted to deliver you one special gift myself!"

"And how? You're about half a continent away from me-"

Right after i finished, i heard a door bell. My eyes widened with surprise and widened more with hope. 

"Can she?"

"Oh darling~ Do you think i would call you if i were miles away from you?"

A wide smile appeared on my face. 

"I can't believe she's here!" 

I jumped on both feet and crossed the stairs with the greatest speed and almost hit my dad, who turned several times and fell to the ground. "Sorry!" I apologized as I reached for the handles and opened them.

There stood a girl Higher/smaller/same height then/like me. [Idk if you're small or tall] girl with ponytail blond hair, black jacket, blue jeans and big smile on her face, with tears under her eyes.



I give her big bear hug, not letting her go. She laughed and hugged me too. She have haphephobia, but she likes hugging us. I placed my head on her shoulder. She's really close to me, she was there when my mothe- well...

The one you knew, is gone, but you got me instead~ Nemesis Prime X Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now