~Living machines in town~

509 18 7

Your Pov :

"Code red, all units proceed to Sumdac robot plant in monroe, repeat, this is a code red."

Said a voice on the radio. I growled angrily because I was about to take a break and I couldn't even enjoy my favorite food. I tossed my food into the back seat as I sat in my car, strapped myself in, turned on the siren, and headed for the tower. Fortunately, I wasn't that far away, so I was there in a few minutes. The first thing I noticed was a huge worm sucking everything around, using tentacles.

"What the hell is that thing?!"

I was horrified when I slammed the door behind me and stood next to my father, who looked at me and shrugged. He picked up a megaphone, but it didn't work. Angry, he started banging it against his car before I sighed and gave him mine. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow before grabbing it and screaming at the thing. But before that I heard him whisper 'thank you'

"Ironing SWAT unit, drag that thing away from civilians, emergency crew let's get these people evacuated now!"

He ordered when the SWAT unit stood in the front line and began firing at the thing. But the bullet seems to have just upset the thing. He threw them away with its tentacle and immediately grabbed two police cars, which sucked in and thus increased. My eyes widened in horror.

"What the hell did they put in that thing?!"

I noticed a few childrens and two scientists running from the building. Two firefighters helped Issac get out of the burning building. When he recovered a little, he turned in the direction of the entrance.

"But my daughter is till in there! Sari! Sari!"

"Don't worry, you have a smart girl, she's definitely waiting for you on the other side of the building."

I reassured him as I placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me before sighing and lowering his head.

"I think you're right, Mrs. Mason."

"No, no. It's Fanzone again."

"No no. It's Fanzone again."

I corrected him. He looked at me with a pity.

"Oh, i-i am so sorry."

I gave him a faint smile.

"No, all right. You couldn't have known."

"It's been ... six years, hasn't it?"

"Yes. Two years after I finished my studies, I met him and the next year, we got married. Unfortunately... our marriage was no longer the same as when we were dating."

"I'm sorry."

I just patted him on the back before we heard another SWAT team leaning their rocket launchers on their shoulders.

"On my signal."

I felt that this would not be a good idea. Issac, who immediately ran after my father, felt the same way.

"Wait! You don't want to attack this creature!"

"Dad, please! Think about it first!"

I begged him as I stood beside him. He looked at me, then at the thing again.

The one you knew, is gone, but you got me instead~ Nemesis Prime X Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now