~Once Upon Time~

376 16 11

Your Pov :

You started to back away from the mirror without your reflection moving in any way. The reflection in the mirrors smiled even more and tilted it's head.

"Y-You can not be me! You're not!"

"Of course I am! I am always the one I look like. In this case, you!

"Then don't look like me and you wouldn't have to have same name like me!"

You shouted at it and crossed your arms. The reflection just rolled their eyes before leaning against the corner of the mirror.

"You know, it ain't that simple..."

It said, then playing with their thumbs against each other.

"What do you mean?"

You asked unkindly and walking towards it again.

"For example... you can't say to your I dunno... your orange dog to change into black... Like yeah, you can change the color with hair color but-"

"Just get to the point!"

"What I'm trying to say, is that you and I are connected."

"... How?"

"With the key on your neck!"

You took the key in your hand and scan it. You wanted to ask it how, before she reached out to you.

"I can see how confused you are! Well then, let me explain it all to you!"

You hesitated at first, maybe it's a trap. It reminded you of a movie you and your friends were watching a few years ago, as there was a girl looking in the mirror and her reflection telling her to take her hand. You kept yelling: "Don't do it, you idiot! Don't do it!", But as soon as their hands touched, she clenched her fist hard, pulling her into her world as he climbed to hers.

"Do not worry! I'm not at all interested in climbing into your world!"

"What?! You can read my mind?!"

You shouted / asked and breathed heavily. You were relieved that she didn't plan to hurt you or certain things, but that she could read your mind, it scared you.

"Do not be dumb! Haha! I can't read your mind! Do you know how many things an ordinary person has in his head? Reading minds is bullshit, because without realizing it, one always thinks of more than one thought. Plus, it would hurt to read all your thoughts. Including the disgusting ones... ugh"

She shivered, as if she were trying to shoke all thoughts in her head. Then she turned to you and smiled.

"As i said before, You and I are connected, which mean, that i have your look, voice, name and... personality."

"No you don't? You doesn't act like me-"

"Your deepest personality..."

You were taken a back and backed away from her. 

'What does she mean by: 'Your deepest personality'? that makes no sense!

The one you knew, is gone, but you got me instead~ Nemesis Prime X Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now