Lottie, Boyfriend, No way

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Jamie's P.O.V

I was about to knock on the door when Lottie swung the door open.

"Ummmmm," She said. 

The moment I opened my mouth I stuttered. I hated that I was so vulnerable around Lottie. She quickly left the room and I walked to Ellie. 

"What was that about?" I asked. 

"Lottie has a new friend." She replied.

"What type of new friend?" I asked, after Saskia and Haru we had to be careful about who we were with.

"I don't know... ooooohhh maybe it's a boy." She said smiling wide. 

Something triggered me to get angry. 

"Lottie can't be meeting a boy!" I said defensively.

"Why? Jealous?" She asked clearly trying to contain a laugh.

"Noooo. Why would I be jealous? Lottie aka the one posing as the princess cannot be seen dating." I said. I wasn't supposed to lie to the princess but, this was only half a lie.

I walked out of the room and saw Lottie walking into the hallway. I quickly hid and watched her knock on a door and go into the room. I walked past the room and saw Lottie with another girl. The girl was facing the other way so I couldn't see her face. They were both laughing, it was nice to see Lottie relaxing and having fun. I would still keep an eye on this girl. At least Lottie didn't really have a boyfriend. 

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