Getting Ready

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I know that this is a sad song but I couldn't find any other song that fit the story.

Lottie's P.O.V

"Okay just breathe, Lottie." Ellie said.

"No, I can't." I said.

"Yes, you can. This is your special day... well your and Jamie's." She said rubbing my back.

"No, I can't breathe because you're tying the ribbon way too tight."

"Oh sorry." She let go of the ribbons.

"Thank you!" I said breathing heavily, "Of course I'm happy, this is going to be the happiest day of my life since he proposed."

"You know since the day you two met I always imagined you getting married." She said.

"Yeah, even when you kissed me at the Tompkins Manor?"

"I was just worried about you realizing that you were too good for me and leaving." Ellie said flopping onto the bed.

"Well I hope you now know that I could never leave you."

"I know, you would never leave me. We're best friends and it'll always be that way."

"Yeah, same goes for Jamie." I replied, "So... how do I look?"

I twirled around, "You look perfect like usual." Ellie said.

"Wait, like usual?" I asked, starting to freak out.

"Okay, so now you're reacting?" She said incredulously, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just overreacting." I said taking deep breaths.

"Lottie, you told me when we were 17 that you would start telling me things and I know you never break promises."

I relaxed and sat on the bed, "Right, it's just what if the wedding isn't as special as I thought it would be or Jamie and I being married didn't work out?"

"It's all going to work out fine and if something does go wrong you'll be able to fix it. By the way, who gave you these ideas?"

"Your mom." I said bluntly, "She's been telling me ways to relieve fights and deal with stubborn husbands."

"Oh come on, I mean nobody believes that you two could be anywhere as bad as my parents."

"Thanks Ellie," I said thinking back to all the times that Ellie helped me.

"No problem! Anyways, it's time for... cake tasting!"

Jamie's P.O.V

I flipped through the pages of the book.

"That one, no that one, no that one." Raphael said, sitting next to me.

"Raph, they all look the same to me. Can you just pick one?" I said.

We were on page 137 of the book of tuxedos already and I hadn't seen even one that looked different from the others. To be truthful, I didn't care about the details. All I wanted was to be with Lottie.

"Hey, what about that tux that you wore at that masquerade party."

"I'm not sure we can get the same one but, we can get one of these in that color made." I suggested, "Wait, how did you know about the masquerade party?"

"Oh, Alia told me about it. She's been telling me all about the things she's done over the years before Rosewood." He replied.

"Ok, but how did you know what the tuxedo looked like?" I asked.

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