Meeting her

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Jamie's P.O.V

Lottie introduced us to a girl named Alia. She looked just like me with the same skin color, same eyes, same hair. I had no idea what I should've done so I just stared at her trying to find something to make her different. So that there would be no possibility of it actually happening. I acted rude to her but I don't care because I don't need another distraction.

"What?" Lottie and Ellie were glaring at me. 

"Really Jamie did you have to be so rude?" Ellie complained.

"Well, I don't have to be nice. You two may be friends with her but that doesn't mean that she has to be my friend." I stood up and left.

After I left I heard Ellie and Lottie discuss how alike Alia and I looked. I just had to go for a run and clear my head. I stepped outside into the fall air and started running. I looked up at the sky it was a sky blue that reminded me of Lottie's eyes. I started running faster I had to let go of all distractions and take care of Ellie. I knocked into someone and fell to the ground.

"Ow, watch where you're going," I said. 

"Yeah, what about you, you know people go on jogs not sprints." I groaned, I knew that voice.

I looked at her, she was on the ground like me.

"Nice to see you again," Alia said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes, I really didn't want to deal with this right now. I touched my forehead and flinched. 

"Sit down." She motioned to the bench on the side of the trail.

I got up and sat on the bench. She reached into her pocket and pulled out an ice pack.

"You carry an ice pack around with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's really useful when the people around you like to surprise you and you've been taught to be super cautious."  She replied.

She put the ice pack on my forehead.

"What happens when someone surprises you?" I asked, maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

"They usually try to come up to me from behind so I hit them the stomach with my elbow, grab their wrist, and flip them over." She said still holding the ice pack to my head.

She was super close but, I didn't mind it. I started thinking about if Lottie came this close to me. Then, I immediately stopped thinking about it. 

"You thinking about Lottie?" She asked.

"How did you...?" I started.

"I was trained to tell what people are thinking how they're feeling and when they're lying." She cut me off.

"No, I'm not thinking about Lottie," I replied.

"You know you actually did a good job of making it feel like the truth but, I know you're lying." I sighed.

"You're good." I complimented her.

"I know." She smiled. "Let me guess, you're overwhelmed by the fact that you like her and you think of her as a... distraction?"

I just nodded. I didn't want to have to say anything about it out loud.

"I went through the same thing last year when I met my boyfriend." She said.

"Boyfriend?" I asked. 

"Yeah, his name is Philip. I really liked him and he really likes me. We met at school when I was the new kid because Mila's parents thought I should have a little more of a normal education so I could learn to blend in better with others. He was really funny and nice to me. But, I kept avoiding him because I thought that it would be abandoning Mila if I liked him."

"So what made you change your mind?" I regretted it but, I also wanted to know what changed her mind.

"Mila found out and she told me that it would all be okay and that making mistakes is okay. And she convinced me right in time because the next day he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. And now I'm so happy and I've never looked back."

"Anyways where is your princess?" I asked, I wanted to make sure that Alia was really a good partizan.

"She's probably in our room." She told me.

"So you don't know where she is?" 

"Hold on let me check." She opened her watch and pressed a button that showed her the schematics of rosewood academy. It had a little circle on Lottie and Ellie's dorm. 

"This is a special watch that shows me where she is. It'll alert me if she is anywhere out of the school grounds and all Mila has to do to tell me she's in danger is press a button on her watch. Mila has been scared since her Leviathan kidnapping attempt. So, I requested this from our tech engineers so that she always feels safe." 

I watched her stare at a picture of Mila and her together smiling on her phone. I wanted to be able to like... or love Lottie and Ellie as much as she loved Philip and Mila.

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