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Alia's P.O.V

Today was Visitor's Day when family members of the students would come and see how they were doing. The hallways were full of loving parents crowding around their kids. I hoped that someday everything would finally go normal for me and I could have a normal family. But, for now I would just enjoy the joyous expressions on people's faces as they surprised each other. I was going to meet up with Ellie, Mila, Lottie, and Jamie in the gym. When I got there the gym was empty except for my friends and the multiple blue mats. Mila and Lottie were playing hot hands and Ellie and Jamie were talking.

"Alia! You're here!" Mila squealed.

"Yeah I am. Why am I here?" I asked.

"We just wanted to hang out. Is that so suspicious?" Ellie asked.

"Well you're in a huge empty gym waiting to do nothing. Sooooo, yeah it's suspicious." I replied.

"Huh, wait Jamie what are we going to do?" Lottie asked.

Then they started to argue about why they made a big deal coming here when they didn't have anything planned.

I started scanning my phone when I had a feeling that somebody was coming up behind me. I took the person's wrist, elbowed him in the stomach and flipped him over onto the blue mat. Lottie, Mila, and Jamie heard the noise and turned around and looked to the blond haired and blue eyed boy.

"Ow." Philip said sitting up.

"You weren't kidding about the flipping thing." Jamie remarked.

"Philip! How many times did I tell you not to sneak up on me?!" I bent down to give him a hand.

"Well once before. But, I guess I just forgot." He replied getting up.

"Oh guys this is Philip, my boyfriend and Philip this is Jamie, Lottie, Ellie, and you know Mila."

Philip put his arm around me and I spotted something in his pocket. It looked like a computer chip of some sort, I sneakily took it from him. He couldn't possibly be a criminal, could he? I looked into his eyes as he smiled to me. This was probably just a normal USB flash drive.

"How did you get here?" Mila asked.

"Alia's dad gave me a ride." He said.

"Anyways we were just going to do... nothing? So if you want to join us, you're welcome to." Lottie said.

"Well "nothing" sounds tempting but, I think I want to catch up with Alia. She needs to tell me everything that's happened so far."

Jamie looked at me telling me with his eyes to not tell him about their secret. I just nodded to him and walked to my dorm with Philip. On the way he started asking me lots of questions. Like if there was anything interesting happening or any secrets that came up. It seemed suspicious but I just guessed I was being a little paranoid. I mean Philip was... Philip. He was my boyfriend and he... umm. Was this really what having a boyfriend felt like? In the movies it seemed different. For the rest of the day I roamed the halls with him, answering all his questions without giving him any important information. At the end of the day he gave me a kiss on my forehead and left. 

When I went to my room I found a note on my bed:

Dear Alia,

I'm sorry I have to this but, I'm breaking up with you. I have other things I need to take care of and you've become too distant. I've met another girl who's working with me at my new job. Please don't try to contact me again, my mission is over and I have no need for you.

From, Philip

I growled and felt my skin heating up as my eyes and hair turned red and my claws came out. I slashed the note into pieces and dropped it on a lit candle.

"Hey Alia, are you okay? Mila asked as she entered the room.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied. "Good night."

"Good night." She responded.

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