Finding out

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Lottie's P.O.V

It's been a week since the party; 7 days since I saw Mystery Man; 168 hours since I kissed Mystery Man; Aka: It's been a really long time.

"Hey, Lottie. Lottie! Are you even listening?" Jamie started shaking my shoulder.

"Huh, what?" I said breaking out of my trance.

I looked down at my paper, I had been drawing question marks all over it. I was daydreaming of Mystery Man again.

"Lottie, have you been sleeping well lately?" He put his hand on my arm. 

Jamie's felt just like Mystery Man's. I looked around everyone was wearing the shade of green as him.

"I don't think so, I feel like I'm going crazy," I replied.

Jamie squeezed my hand and smiled. It was probably the paranoia but Jamie felt so much like Mystery Man. 

"C'mon, let's take you to your room." He put his hand out just like Mystery Man.

I took his hand and he smiled just like Mystery Man. I kept telling myself I was just tired or going crazy but nothing stopped the thoughts. 

When we got to my room, Jamie tucked me in my bed and kissed my forehead. Lately, he was in a good mood and he'd never done anything like that before. I just needed to close my eyes and relax. When I closed my eyes I pictured Mystery Man and me running together in a field of flowers. 

I slept until the next morning and woke up feeling so much better

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I slept until the next morning and woke up feeling so much better. I went to Jamie's room to thank him. I knocked on Jamie's door and when he opened the door I smiled wide. 

"Hey! What's up?"

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me finally go to sleep. I was actually starting to see things." 

"No problem."

"I was going to go to the café to get something to eat, wanna come?"

"Sure, but hold on I have to find something before we leave. Come in, this might take a while."

I stepped into his spotless room, "How can you lose something when your room is this clean? Anytime I try to clean my room Ellie always messes it up. I usually just keep my side of the room neat."

"Oh yeah, Ellie hates being organized. I think she just generally likes being different. I guess I'm lucky to have Percy." Jamie replied while looking through his drawers. 

I looked around his room and spotted something blue in his bathroom. The bathroom door was half open and I could see a blue mask that was exactly like Mystery Man's. For some reason, I just panicked seeing the mask. 

"Actually I gotta go, I just remembered that I promised to help Ellie with... something. Bye!" I hurried out of the door and ran straight back to my room. 

I sat in a corner and curled up, tears dripped on my lap. I heard the door open and saw Ellie rush to me. She knelt down and hugged me.

"Lottie, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I'm fine," I said wiping my tears.

"Lottie, just tell me. If you can't tell your best friend who can you tell?" She weakly smiled at me. "Just tell me everything and don't leave out any details."

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone. So you know how you dragged me to the party? Well, I was sitting at a table looking at my phone when I saw Edmund walking towards me. But before he could reach me another boy came up to me. He was really cute, he had a dark green suit and a blue mask. Umm, so he asked me to dance and so I went with him because otherwise, I would have to deal with Edmund. But, it was actually kind of fun. Then we went outside and we talked for like half an hour. After that, we were sitting in the new rose garden when he... kissed me and... I kissed him back. Then I came back to the gym. Then today, I saw the same mask the boy was wearing in Jamie's room."

"So, what's wrong? It sounds like you like Jamie a lot."

"I do like him but I'm just so confused." Tears streamed down my face.

"Okay, so what confuses you?" Ellie asked.

"Well... he usually acts so annoyed and rude. But, sometimes he actually seems to care about me. I mean I understand that he's a partizan but, I wish he would just open up to me."

"He actually does really care about you, he's actually softened up since you came. He used to never listen to me and he never used to have friends. And have you seen how he is around Edmund? He's so protective of you and you're not the real princess. But the most important thing is, do you love him?" Ellie said.

"Love him? ... Actually I think I do," I said smiling as Ellie hugged me.

"Okay, what are you gonna do now?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know, but I'm not going to tell him yet. I'm just going to spend some time with him and figure it out along the way. And I promise from now on I'll start telling you things."

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