Mila and Ellie

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Ellie's P.O.V

After Alia suggested the songs to me I went over to her room. I wondered what it would be like to be in a relationship. I bet Mila had lots of relationships, she was super pretty and she was really nice. I didn't like like her and I was pretty sure that she wasn't like me. When I got to their room the door was opened and I saw Mila crying on her bed.

I walked over not sure what to do, "Are you okay?"

She quickly got up and wiped her tears away, "Sorry, yeah I'm fine."

"You know you don't have to be like that around me, we're friends you can tell me," I said reassuringly.

"Sorry, it's just a reflex. Princesses aren't supposed to cry." She said, maybe she was kinda like me. 

"It's okay, I get it. I'm not supposed to cry either. So... what's up?" I said.

"My boyfriend just called me a worthless loser and I broke up with him. Although, I probably shouldn't be so sad since Alia's probably figured it out and crushed the guy by now." She said.

"Crushed?" I asked. 

"Intimidated or injured. She would do anything for me. Is it like that for Lottie and Jamie?" She asked.

I laughed, "They are nowhere near as close. You should've seen them as kids. Jamie has always been uptight but she loves him either way." I said referring to myself as Lottie. 

"And you are not a worthless loser, you are pretty and smart and any boy should be grateful to have you," I said giving her a hug. 

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