Title TBD

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I can't think of a proper title, so if someone could suggest some ideas, I would be really grateful.

Jamie's P.O.V

It's been 2 months since we found out that the baby was coming and I had looked over that pamphlet fifty times and read 32 different parenting books. Claude kept assuring me that everything would be okay and my mother said I should be as prepared as possible. Mom and Claude kept on fighting all day today about random things. It makes sense that they wouldn't like each other based on how they did in their family lives. Mom as the one who got left and Claude as the one who left. Lottie was sitting with Vampy and talking to Alia in her room. We decided that we would give Lottie a separate room for now so that if she had a baby she could have it there. 

"Hey," Alia said as I walked in.

"Hi, so how long are you staying? I kind of want to go over some things with you." I asked her.

"I will stay as long as you need me to." She responded giving me a tight hug.

"You know for someone who has been carrying a baby in her stomach for the last 9 months, I seem pretty easy to forget." Lottie poked my arm.

"I would never forget you," I gave her a kiss on her forehead and she smiled.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone. You're making me sick. Not even Raph and I are that cheesy." Alia said getting up. Lottie and I laughed and Alia walked out the room and closed the door behind her.

.     .     .

16 years later

"Dad!" I yelled as my dad walked away, "Why can't I? I'm 16 years old!" I ran behind him and took his arm.

"No, Brooke. I know you like this boy but, you still aren't old enough yet." Dad was soooo strict about this stuff. I loved him, but he still saw me as an eight year old.

"Mom, would've said I could." I said then bit my lip, instantly regretting it.

Jamie's P.O.V

"Mom, would've said I could."

I growled, anger boiling inside me, "Well, your mom isn't here, I am. And you will do what I say."

Lottie died over a year ago after being diagnosed with cancer. We found out 6 months before she died. After she died, I fell apart and the only piece of her I had left was our child, Brooke. I was not going to let her leave too. 

She looked down in sadness, "Ok, want to watch a movie with me?"

I hated seeing her like that, "Sure, what movie do you want to watch?"

"Can we watch the Croods 2 movie?" She asked suddenly smiling wide just like her mother.

"Sure," I said, "I just have to do something first." 

She rushed off to get everything ready for our movie night. Then, I walked down the hall to a room with a bright yellow door with flowers painted on it. I slowly opened the door and walked inside. The room was Lottie's old one from when she was a portman. Once she became Queen and married me, we moved to a bigger, joint room. We kept the room as it was, to be a memory of our adventures. I kneeled down next to the bed and put my hand underneath the bed to pull out an old dusty box. Lottie decorated it like a treasure chest with pictures of mermaids, seashells, and gold coins. I brushed off the dust on the box and opened it. The box was filled with colorful letters that she had left for me. Each one titled with certain situations ranging from normal situations to crazy things like the end of the world. I picked up a blue letter titled "Brooke and Boyfriends". 

Dear Jamie, 

I know you want what's best for Brooke and I've noticed how you are around other boys Brooke's age. I agree that it is scary to let go of her. Soon, I am going to have to do the same. You know how amazing Brooke is and how much you love to be with her. You can't stop other people from wanting the same love and attention from her. The more you hold on to Brooke the more she will want to leave you so, be a little lenient with her and know that if she ever gets her heart broken or makes a mistake, you will be the one she will come to. She's gonna make some mistakes in life and all you can do is be there for her. Plus, I made the mistake of not paying attention when I was walking and I bumped into you. It was the best thing I had ever done because it led me to fall in love with you. Everyone (including you) thought it was a mistake for us to fall in love but, we did it anyways and it worked out perfectly. Let Brooke make some mistakes. some will work out and some won't either way you will be there for her the whole time.

I love you,


I held the letter close to my chest. I wished Lottie was here, I didn't want this letter. I wanted her to be here, smiling at me and putting her hand on my shoulder. She would tell me everything was okay and she would hug me tightly. 

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