Best friend code

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Alia's P.O.V

Today Jamie, Lottie, and I were sitting in the cafe. Ellie was training and Mila was talking with her boyfriend. Lottie and I both had hot chocolates and Jamie had a coffee.

"How can you like coffee over hot chocolate? It's so bitter and tasteless." I asked.

"Hot chocolate is way too sweet and sugary," Jamie said.

"Exactly that's why it's so good," Lottie said.

"You really need to have more fun, Jamie," I said.

"Oh, and hot chocolate is going to do that? Plus, I don't need to have fun, my job is to protect the princess." Jamie started getting angry.

I smiled, "Ellie can protect herself and so can Lottie." 

"How did you know that I'm a portman?" Lottie and Jamie looked so surprised.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out and I also am friends with people connected closely to your king." They both looked at me questionably. "Like highly classified government officials."

They both relaxed and started sipping their drinks.

"By the way, who's that with Mila?" Lottie asked.

"That's her boyfriend, he's about to be her..." I started counting on my fingers. "14th ex-boyfriend."

Lottie and Jamie looked confused, I loved seeing people's faces when I surprised them. 

"Mila's life is like a thank you, next song. She always gets a boyfriend and then they break up a week later. She likes to live life on the edge."

Just then I heard a glimpse of their conversation.

"Your just a worthless loser. I could have any girl, you're just lucky that I chose you." He said.

"We're done," Mila said looking like she was about to cry.

Mila turned around and walked with a fake smile to the door. I looked at Jamie and Lottie to see if they heard any of it. They didn't and I felt a fire burn inside me, something that happened very rarely.

"Hey, Alia are you okay?" Lottie asked me. "Your eyes are red and are those fangs?"

My irises turned from a deep brown to a dark red and the tips of my hair turned an orange color. I looked down to see inch-long nails and I looked in my compact mirror to see fangs." 

This happened when I was angry, "I'm fine, it's just... something that happens. I gotta go."

"What's up?" Jamie asked clearly trying to figure out what happened to me.

"Oh nothing, I just have to flirt with my best friend's ex." I smiled and took a deep breath. As I took a breath my nails, my hair, my eyes, and my teeth went back to normal.

"How do I look now?" I asked.

"Normal?" Lottie said.

"Perfect," I said turning away and walking towards the boy.

When I reached him, he smiled annoyingly.

"Hey, beautiful." He said.

"Hi, cutie." In my mind, I felt so disgusted. I mean who did that guy think he was. 

"Was that just the princess of Deani you were talking to?" I said innocently.

"Yeah, I just broke up with her. She was so boring, I made her cry too. I don't care if she's a princess, she's pretty weak and I don't want to be seen with her."

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