Getting ready for the ball

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Jamie's P.O.V

I sat on my bed with my hands covering my face. I felt sick at the thought of asking Lottie if she liked me. I started thinking of all the possible scenarios. What if she said no? What if the king and queen didn't allow us to be together? What if I was so distracted that I couldn't keep Ellie safe? What if Lottie realized she didn't love me anymore? Percy came into the room just then.

Percy: Hey, what's wrong loverboy?

Jamie: Nothing, I'm fine.

Percy: By the way, there's going to be a party in the gym.

Jamie: So?

Percy: So... Raphael is probably going to barge in here and make you come.

Jamie: Oh, thanks for the warning.

Percy: For once can you come along without a fight? Plus there'll be girls...

Jamie: You know I don't care about that kind of stuff.

There was a knock on the door. It was probably Raphael trying to make me go to the party. When I opened the door it was Alia and Ellie. Alia took my arm and pulled me out of the room. Then Raphael came running down the hallway.

"I need to talk to Jamie it's urgent," Raphael said panting. 

"Too bad. We need Jamie more." Ellie replied.

"Well, it can wait." Raphael grabbed my other arm.

"Aww, that's cute," Alia said and punched him in the stomach.

"Ok, you can go first," Raphael said clutching his stomach.

"Good." Ellie came behind me and pushed me forward.

"What is this all about?" I asked.

"All you need to know so far is that this is a life or death situation." Ellie pushed me past her room and I could see Lottie laughing with Mila. 

Seeing her happy made me smile. Whenever she was happy it always made me feel better. Her smile was so pretty and her eyes lit up when she was surprised. They pushed me into Alia's room and sat me on her bed.

"Listen and you need to hear us out. Okay?" Ellie asked and I nodded.

"Okay, so you know how there's a party in the gym?" Alia asked. I opened my mouth to protest that I wasn't going but Ellie stopped me.

"Well, you're going to go for 3 reasons." I could see on Ellie's face that she was determined but a party? I hated that kind of stuff, it made it harder for me to take care of Ellie.

"1. You need to have more fun. 2. I'm DJ-ing and I want you there 3. Lottie's going to be there." Alia stated.

"1. My priority is to protect Ellie. 2. Why do you need me there? The rest of the school is going. 3. Why should I care if Lottie's there?", I retorted, sadly I didn't know how persuasive 2 girls could be.

"Ughh really. 1. Your job isn't the same thing as your life. 2. It's complicated but, you really don't want to support a friend? 3. Ellie and I already know that you like Lottie but, nothing is going to happen if you don't do something. Plus, it's a masquerade ball theme, Lottie won't know it's you and you can have fun while pretending to be someone else." Alia folded her arms and cracked her knuckles to show she meant business.

"Now, get off your ass and come shopping with us for masks and clothes," Ellie demanded.

"Fine. I can't believe I'm going to listen to you guys." I complained.

"You better believe it cause that's what's happening. By the way, you're driving." Alia handed me the keys.

We drove to a mall that had a prom store. They got 15 different dresses and tried on at least 30 different masks. They made me try on like 10 suits before they decided on a dark teal suit and a blue mask. 

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"Okay, this is the one," Alia said

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"Okay, this is the one," Alia said. "You look so handsome, Lottie's going to love it."

"I thought the point of this is that Lottie doesn't know it's me," I said.

"And she won't recognize you but if you decide you want to tell Lottie it's you... " Ellie said.

"Why are you so afraid anyways? Lottie cares about you so much." Alia said carrying 3 huge bags filled to the brim with dresses and masks.

I scratched my head and blushed. I had no idea why I, a trained assassin was afraid to talk to a girl. But, Lottie was different she was soft-spoken and kind, and brave. She was the only girl who had ever mattered to me more than my job. I loved her more than I loved Ellie and it didn't matter if she didn't understand my life as much as someone like Alia did because she was the only girl I love and the only girl I'd ever love. After shopping with the girls I drove us back to Rosewood and went to my dorm. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. The only thing I was thinking of: Lottie.

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