Chapter 11: Wait, Maybe?

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"LUDDY!! LUDDY!! LUDDY!!" Feliciano squealed. "I MISSED YOU!"

"Ja, Ja. I was only gone for a week. Besides, we called everyday anyway.."

Feliciano tried to open the door. It was locked, but like a child, he kept trying to open it. It only pulled out and went back in with a clack. Ludwig eventually unlocked the door, which caused Feli to immediately open it and hug him.

Ludwig blushed softly, eyeing the Italian boy below him. His soft, bright skin shone in the winter moon. Everything was covered except the young male's face and hands. The two best parts..

Ludwig shook his head and sighed. "Anything new up with you?" He asked gently.

Feliciano nodded his head. He eyes gleamed as if he had so much to say, it could spill out from his eyes. He reached over to unbuckle Luddy from the seat, causing Ludwig to squirm a bit.

**Small trigger warning. (Talks about pain after an incident..?)**

His hands had grazed on his side. Luddy had been sensitive there. Everything there and below was sensitive after the incident..

It's not that it hurts. More of.. instinct. He doesn't like it when people get near or touch there, since it was sheltered for so long. Right after the incident he had to be careful around there.. to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself worse. Feliciano knew all this. Sometimes he just forgets though.


"I-.. Oh sorry." Feliciano said softly. He didn't mean to make Ludwig feel weird. Or hurt him. Hopefully he wouldn't get mad... maybe he won't.

"Don't worry.." Ludwig said, shaking a bit. He ended up just unbuckling himself. He pushed out of the truck after parking it and shut the door behind him.

Feliciano was already at the front door, being so exited. His smiled widened with each step Luddy took. The way Feli's curl bobbed up and down with each leap mesmerized him. Before Ludwig knew it.. he was staring.

Ludwig walked inside and looked around. It had only been a week, but the house was already covered with Christmas decorations.

"Do you like them? I did them all by myself!" Feliciano announced proudly, smiling to Ludwig. He couldn't help but feel glad that Feli was actually doing something for once.

"No you didn't..!" Romano growled to him. He wasn't that loud but it still caught Feli off guard, "Y-Yes I did!"

Usually they would argue more, so when Lovino just walked away, of course it stunned Ludwig.

Which brought Feliciano to what he wanted to say. Before Luddy could let out a peep, he was already being dragged to a room—Feliciano's room.

There, the pair sat on the floor, eying the door to see if Romano would come in.

After a second or two, Feliciano began, "Did you see how he just ignored me?"


"He usually argues with me til the sun goes down. I don't know what's happening, but he's been acting different. Especially to Antonio."

Ludwig seemed a bit shocked. He knew they argued. And that Lovino hated him. Not that he knew why though, he just did. He sighed and looked around for a bit, "So why is he doing this you think?"

"I don't know." Feliciano admitted, "Its weird. The morning after you left, I was awake, and I saw Antonio walked out of Lovino's room. As if he slept there or something.."

"You think they slept together?" Ludwig asked, genuinely confused. He got a frantic head shake as a response, "EW! Not like that no.. But, in the same bed, maybe. Or at least same room.."

What if..

"They like each other.." Feliciano and Ludwig harmonized with their opinions. After Feliciano yelled jinx they both laughed and began chatting again.

Could it really be? That Lovino, the bratty, easily annoyed child, had a soft spot for the Spaniard? And could it really be that Antonio found out and retained the same feeling? Thats hardly possible. How?

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