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At the start of the story 

Emily is 33 

Kai is 18 

JJ is 31

Henry is 5 

Spencer is 22

Penelope is 31

Rossi, Tara, Luke, Matt (their ages don't really matter)

Derek, Savannah, Hank(1),Hotch, Jack(8)

Emily comes in as unit chief around what would be season 12(But none of them, with the exception of Rossi were in the FBI for the last twelve years, I just wanted younger ages and certain characters, its my story whatever). Derek and Hotch appear in and out but are not on the team anymore, Derek is in Chicago with Savannah and Hank, Hotch is a full time dad somewhere in Virginia, close by, (Married to Beth, cause I like her). Garcia is Henry's godmother but Spencer is not his godfather, he and JJ aren't as close in this story(sadly they aren't bffs). Garcia and JJ have a really really really close friendship.

A/N ... I am more of a dialogue writer rather than an an explanatory writer, and I'm sure that makes no sense at all. What I mean is my story will not have a lot of parts that describe things deeply and stuff like that, most of it is movements and dialogue with the occasional explanatory stuff.

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