1. Death F.I.R

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On a stormy and rainy night, near the police station, a peculiar van in navy blue halted at a blinking street light. There showed up a man from the van, in a long brown raincoat and hat. Head down, shut the door of the van, and straight away was walking to the police station. Raindrops sliding on his brown hat and falling.

With soaked rain shoes, he stepped inside the station

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With soaked rain shoes, he stepped inside the station. Once after entering, sat in the chair politely in front of the inspector. Others in the station along with the inspector had been glancing at him strangely, by doing their work.

With a slight raise of his head, having sea-blue eyes opened his mouth. "This is James, the only nephew of scientist brothers, Derick and Dexter."

"Hello! Mr. James", the inspector offered his hand to shake. But James ignored him and came right to the point. "Why did you close the F.I.R. of my uncles?"

"Sir, a few hours back, it has proved that their death is natural. So we are closed their F.I.R. Here is the evidence." The head cop provided him with a few proofs on the table.

James pushed the evidence aside and with a left up of his eyebrows, "For sure I can tell, it was a perfectly planned murder. Can you please re-investigate?"

"Haha! What, sir? It's highly impossib..." While the inspector was talking, James opened a recording voice in his phone, kept on the table.
"James? Jam....es? Are you there? This....uncle Derick. Listen carefully.....we are....tro....uble....... satellite phone.......save....Hello? He...llo....?........ Shit...dam... Ba..d signals. He.....llo........."

"Now tell me, inspector. Possible?"

"But, but..." Inspector's hands started trembling.

James smacked aloud on the table and asked "Is this enough to re-investigate?"

With a quivery face, the inspector gulped. James smirked. Soon, James stepped out of the station and activated his Bluetooth bud to listen to what was going on inside the station. where he had fixed a device under the table just a while ago when talking. Then, the inspector called to a person and said, "Sir? James is back. He wanted to re-investigate his uncles' case. What to do, sir?" That person scolded him on the phone and hung up.

"What he said, sir?" Head cop questioned.

"Shut up, jerk. How dare you question me? All sides band for us, happy life to others."

"Wow, what a rhyming, sir!?" Head cop praised him to cool down.

"You...bastard..." Inspector raised the files to beat him but the head cop escaped.

Hearing that, James continued his smirk and came to his van. There came a black curly-haired girl in a casual dress from the driving seat and hugged him with a giggle. "How it went, baby?" She even kissed him.

James wiped off his cheek and suggested to her while walking to his passenger seat, "Yeah! All done, Katy. Anyway, thanks for the timely lift. But, Please, consider once before you paint your lips. Looking horrible, as if bees sting." He rolled his eyes and sat inside the van.

"Is it?" Katy checked her lips by running her left-hand fingers doubtfully and rushed to the driver seat, "Hey! Wait." She closed the van door and put on her seat belt. "What's next, sweetheart?" Now she ran her finger on James' face with gracious sexy looks.

"To our room, probably", he answered.

"Hello! Agent 21? Commander on the line. Commander on the line. Check the code." A lady on the screen of the van appears.

"Yeah! Code checked by Agent 21", James spoke to her.

"Software can't match your voice. Last chance. Check your code".

"Mr. James? Come back to your original voice." Katy advised him graciously. Then, James removed his face mask, raincoat, and hat, finally come back to casuals. Her long beeline honey curls hair bounced aside. Her sea-blue eyes turned into black balls. She also changed the settings of her electronic smartwatch to normal mood talk, which was connected to her tiny vocal cords device behind her left ear. With her peach lips smiles pretty and spoke to the software lady image on the screen. "Code checked by Agent 21", said in her soft voice.

"Accepted code. Can talk to the commander. Please wait till we connect him."

"Wowww!!!! Super Smartwatch. Who updated it?" Katy asked.

"Our gadgets engineer Micky", She answered.

"Who? Our garrulous chatty Micky mouse?" Katy mocked him playfully.

"Yeah! Maybe talkative but expect, dear".

Meanwhile, the commander came onto the line. "Agent 21? Does the voice record lead them to worry?"

"Yes! Sir. Checkmate to them. You don't worry, sir." Agent 21 replied.

"Good job. Now reach those scientists' house for the further clues to unlock our case."

"Okay, sir. I'll finish it soon", she assured him.

"Good luck, Agent 21", He disconnected.

"Ufff...", She leaned over her seat and relaxed.

"Not to our room, probably? Hahaha..." Katy mocked her and started the van. "Tell me, how did you enjoy your vacation so far?"

Agent 21 with exciting looks started, "Oh! Come on, Katy. Beach party, pubs, food, trekking...etc, etc... expecting that? Actually, no proper vacations for people like me. In the middle of my vacation, I returned to deal with this case, bloody...****"

"Hahaha... sorry. But hope you enjoyed at least half of your vacation".

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