6. Mission Mermaid Island

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At the Rosewood fountain meet point, Agent 21 as Bessy Watson gave an entrance as a beauty with a brain, fully charged Apple phone. Where Mr. Harris has shaggy hair, blue eyeballs, and sharp eyes, is in a cream t-shirt, put on a blue jacket with jeans and white shoes standing straight near the fountain with Mr. Carter has gentleman's haircut, black eyes, in a blackberry suit with black shoes. Watching them from a bit far inside the van, Kate commented on Bluetooth buds, "Uh! One came as a date and one came as a groom."

"Kate?" Bessy warned her sweetly.

"Pardon me, Ms. Bessy. But both are not my type. You handle them with care", Kate suggested in a mocking way.

"Kate, Kate...Listen, don't high up your expectations. I'm not here to choose my life partner. We're on a mission, remember that." Bessy mumbled when moving forward toward those boys.

"Alright", Kate signed deeply with a shrug. "Carry on with your mission. I've something to sort out", she hopped out of the van and looked around.

"Good, hang on there on your business."

"Don't worry, my eyes are on your surroundings", Kate assured her and stepped from there.

"Hello! Ms. Bessy", Carter offered his hand here meanwhile.

"Hi! Mr. Harris", she shook her hand with Harris. Observing Carter's disappointed face, she shook with him as well.

"Ms. Bessy, shall we talk inside the 'MilkShakes Corner'?"Harris requested by pointing at the shop with his eyes, which was just next to them.

"Sure", Bessy accepted and the three of them walked into that MilkShakes Corner.

Meanwhile, Kate saw a handsome guy behind his back and tried to approach him. "Hi! Handsome".

"Hello! Baby", he turned in a graceful way along with hand movement and winked.

With shock, Kate replied, "Sorry, I've no brother. Excuse me", she escaped from there by muttering, "Handsome, bullshit! Turned out as a gay. Control your desires, Kate". When reached out there, she happened to see the local gang checking their van and searching here and there. "Oh! Shit. Did they notice us yesterday night? How did and how far they know?" Thinking that she eavesdropped on their conversation secretly by hiding behind a car.

"Are you sure this is the van that followed us yesterday from the scientists' house?" 

"Yes! Bro. I'm pretty sure.

"Can you recognize them?"

"No! Bro, not exactly."

"We can't take chance to make our boss mad at us anyway", the head of that local gang signaled one of his five followers. Immediately after receiving the signal, one of them nodded and hit the van. It started sounding. "Let's hide and watch who're they?" They all hid according to the command.

Observing all this, Kate became alert and walked out of that place casually towards an open cafe opposite that place. In the meantime, Bessy got a call from their commander after sitting at a table. "Excuse me!", with a smile at those gentlemen she covered her face with the menu book and attended the call.

"Hello! Agent 21, Commander on the line. Check the code."

"Checked the code by Agent 21," Bessy replied.

"Agent 21! How far did your investigation?" Commander asked on the call.

"We're getting close, sir", she answered.

"Good, but be careful of eyes around you. Anyone can come to accompany you anytime."

"We'll take care of that, sir."

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