12. Manipulation

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Kate and the remaining two reached their vehicle. Kate was suffering from pain and blood loss. Meanwhile, Fake Felcy tried to attack from behind Kate with a rope. Kate sensed it beforehand and kicked her back without turning around. She fell to the ground. "Whom are you going to deceive?" Kate smirked and held her stomach injury with pain. Fake Felcy sent a signal to her team with her phone light. Noticing that, Kate gave her a nice punch, and with that, she became unconscious. At the very same time, Real Felcy hopped from the vehicle with a sketch and a piece of paper written, "I'm Felcy. She is a trap. Let's escape." After seeing and understanding the scene, Felcy slowly dropped down that paper.

Kate tapped on her shoulder and said, "It's okay, Felcy. Hop on, hurry. They're on their way."

Immediately, Felcy wrote on the other side, "One of these tires punctured."

"What the f**k!" She sighed.

Then, the evil gang was about to surround them. Scaring them by shooting at them, they hid behind their vehicle. When they reached them, Kate stood in front of Felcy and pushed her smoothly to hide behind Kate to protect her.

"I hunched at first sight," Agent 21 narrowed her eyes and said. Then, she lifted her left eyebrow, "How come we reached till here this simple?! I thought something was wrong with her, but it turned out she was the wrong one. She even tried to seduce me to tag with her to the lab. That very second, I asked my friend to accompany her cautiously."

"Yes! Sis. We made a great decision at the right time." Ferd commented.

"I can't contact her. Needs to the rescue for her. I hope she is safe," She hoped. "Micky?" She contacted him.

"Got it," he assured.

"How come... How come his son... aiding us?" James doubted Ferd.

"It's a long story," she made him lean to the wall and suggested, "Just give me a minute, I will conform the way clear," She said while looking at his wounds. Ferd held him on one side.

"Here they are," a guy passed a hint.

"Listen, please." He stopped her. "It's... very hard," he exhaled. "I better stay back. You... please escape...with the evidence. Your... friend might be...in danger. With my position...it's highly impossible to...tag along with you." Said while gasping.

She smacked gently on him to boost him up and went to crush the blocking guys.

When the evil gang was almost ready to catch them with great laughter,
"Anybody waiting for me? Watch out!"

Hearing that, Kate turned around. A car appeared there from nowhere. Due to the flash of the front lights, Kate covered her face with her arm and was wondering who the hell was coming to them. The car halted next to them, and doors were opened.

There was no guess of him, "David?" Kate was surprised. "My Prince Cham." She was mesmerized for a sec.

"Hurry up!" He alarmed them. They hopped into the car instantly. Eventually, he threw some gas-releasing tins that the evil gang and put the fake Felcy quickly in his vehicle. Then, he sped up all of a sudden.

"Ah!!!! Can't you see, I didn't wear the seat belt yet?" Shouted him out of pain.

"I'm so sorry. I'm in a hurry to rescue," answered her.

"No, I'm sorry to be rude to you," she slowed down his voice.

"No, that's okay. I understood your situation," he said while looking at her bleeding wound. "Are you ok? Is it deep?"

Kate loved his concerning words and replied, "I loved it."

"What?" He became puzzled by her reply. "Did your head get injured, too?"

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