4. Escape Plan

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Agent 21 with her loaded revolver, hid behind a nearby table in that lab. She was pretty ready to shoot at any time. One of those two cops moved forward. Noticing that she raised suddenly to fire first. While raising her shoulder hit the table mistakenly and resulting in falling a photo frame.

"Shit! Man", She alerted herself and glance at the two cops pointing them.

"Oh! No, Agent 21", Micky expressed his nervousness by watching it on his big screen at their lab.

"Why are you wasting your time touching that wall?" Said one of the cops while the other cop touched the glass wall. "I think no one is here, let's go".

"Uh?", Agent 21 exhales with a smirk, "Are they blind?"

"He's there, catch him". Someone shouted.

"Upstairs", both the cops spelled out to each other and went out.

"I should've noted it before, 'cause their voices were mute when they were talking earlier". She smirked again.

"Haha! The miracle made it possible to make those stupid men blind. Two poor fools... Dimwits... Haha! Can't even see 5.7 inches, of a pretty girl, in front of them. Thank God! He didn't touch the glass wall...otherwise, they might have noticed the secret lab. I can't stop myself either laughing or appreciating these scientists' brains... I'll definitely learn this technique from them."

"Micky! Micky! okay, listen. You learn it or ask or do whatever at their graves, no problem. But please don't middle and let me resume my work", telling that, she held that fallen frame and looked into that picture by wiping off the dust on it. "Derick, James, and Dexter....Mmm".

"Seems like having fun at the beachside lighthouse", commented Micky after looking at it.

"Hello? Kate? Is everything ok, out there?" She questioned her on Bluetooth.

"Nothing special. As expected someone else came to give the cops company. I'm managing Chamider well here, don't worry I'll find out our unknown friend". Kate replied to her.

"Good, keep an eye on your surroundings too", Agent 21 advised her.

Behind the frame, she saw a glimpse of a CC cam. "2 mins 37 seconds are wasted", said watching at the time. She put the frame on the table back and rushed to the two computers. She switched on both computers to know any of the clues. She knew their PC passwords cause one of the close persons to them and also she has worked with them in the past. So, she easily opened those systems. But a few files were not opening at all. "I think someone has deleted or copied... Need to find another way for the clues..." She opened the CC cam footage. "There were 3 cams at 3 corners but 2 are only working for a long. Glancing at the damaged cam's wires, I think something was bitten". She went through a wild guess.

"Okay, go through the remaining two cams", suggested Micky to her.

"Uh! Running out of time", she started opening footage randomly. And then she spotted James in the footage, holding something in her hand and walking back towards the mirror door, full of tension as if he was encountered a monster. "Looking at the glass wall he was feeling agitated. That means someone came after him. Maybe murderer?" Lost in her thoughts of assumptions ignoring the running footage.

"Oh! Look at him he was escaping from the mirror way." Micky put a break to her thoughts.

"1 min 22 seconds... Can't continue anymore." She exclaimed and off the system. "We can watch the movie enjoying the popcorn".

"Uh! Wait. What? How?" Micky became anxious out of curiosity.

"I have an idea", She broke out the CPUs and took out the harddisks.

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