5. The F.F.F

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"James? Where?" Kate was exhilarated to see him with utmost enthusiasm.

"Not James. It's James' house." Agent 21 rolled her eyeballs.

"Oo..ka..yyy", Kate slow down for a while. "How do you know his house?"

"Uh! There happened.....a day when scientists gave me a ride to my previous room. And...on the way, we came across Mr. James. He was drunk, you know?" she added.

"Oh! How pity! Definitely, he might've been dumped by a girl." Kate consoled him and asked, "How did he look? Handsome? Fairy hair? Princecharm?" with broad eyes out of curiosity.

"Kate...Kate...put a pause to your thoughts and save them for later. Spare me now, for my sake."

"Alright", Kate shrugged and leaned back in her seat.

Meanwhile, a police cop's siren was boomeranged from a bit near their place. The gang who had gotten down to break down into James's house were hurrying to move out from there. Soon four cops reached that place in their patrolling car but missed them to catch.

"Sir! It's our local gang. If my hunch is right we can catch them at the next nearest signal, sir. Over." Said a cop in his walkie-talkie and rushed to chase them.

"Let's go, Honey", Kate started to follow them.

"No, Kate", Agent 21 put her arm on Kate's hand, which was on the gear to stop her. "It's waste of time."

"But, unless we follow them, how can we get Mr. James?" Kate doubted in response. 

"Are you thinking Mr. James is the culprit? But I don't think the police excused him in their investigation for after all putting the case by himself. Besides physical accused one, the person who kept the case also becomes imaginary accused two. Something is wrong".

"Had the investigation gone right? I suspect." Kate grinned. "Surprisingly, they closed the case as natural death for both." said with a smirk. "Wait, you're right. As a wake-up call of the case by James, I mean you, of course, this all clumsiness got started." 

"Absolutely. If my guess gonna right, there will be a link with 'FFF'. We need to crack it first. Then only we may get a keen-cut picture of Mr. James and the culprit." She narrowed her looks.


"Uhhh", Kate gasped and woke up from the couch, dizzily running her fingers through her hair and stepping towards the bathroom. When going, unconsciously dropped the pillow on the TV remote, which was on the messy floor. A song started running on the screen. Of that noise Agent 21, who slept on the opposite couch of Kate's, felt disturbed and covered her face with the blanket and said, "Please, stop it, Kate".

Since Kate was busy in the bathroom Agent 21 got irritation. Suddenly, a flower pot fell down. At that sec, Agent 21 raised within a snap with untidy hair and turned at the broken pot near their window. It was a cat, "Meommm..."

"Uh! Well, Well, Well, you didn't get anything to eat except my sleep? Shuuuu...Shuuu..... She ousted it away from the window and brushed her hair with her fingers.

"What's that?" Kate showed up.

"Kitty Kat".

"Are you teasing me?" Kate stood next to her with crossed arms. 

"Understand, as you like", she grinned. "Do you want to eat fish, Kat?"

"KAT?" Kate stressed. 

"I said Kate only, Kat", she chuckled by moving back. Kate chased after her to teach her a lesson. They roamed here and there in their house and reached where they had started. With a glimpse, Agent 21 observed something outside the window in the friendly quarreling.

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