Snotlout Get The Axe

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Chapter 18: Snotlout Gets The Axe

For today's training, the Dragon Riders decided to do some target practice. Each rider took turns getting on their dragons and flying towards the targets set up. They then had to strike the target with their weapon of choice.

It was Snotlouts turn and he chose an axe. "Coming in hot! Haha, that's right! Get some, Dragon Hunters, get some!" He cheered himself on as he hit each target. "Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi! Ha!" He was actually doing pretty well and he and Hookfang made the wrong turn at a target, ending up with them crash-landing. "Aaaahhh!"

Snotlout lands near Ruffnut and Tuffnuts feet. He looks up at the blonde twins who each held eight fingers, rating his performance.

"The judge from Berserker Island gave you a 6." Tuffnut commented.

"Uh, nice effort, Snotlout! We all need to stay sharp, especially with those Dragon Hunters on the loose." Hiccup reminded.

"Astrid, you're up!" Hicca said.

The blonde girl picked up her axe and was about to mount Stormfly when an unexpected guest dropped by.

"You really should loosen your grip there, boi-oh. It maximizes the bone shattering potential." Spitelout advised his son as his dragon, Kingstail, landed.

(A/N: I got the name of Spitelouts dragon from wiki)

Snotlout was surprised along with the others. "Dad?

"Spitelout! Eh, what a... what a pleasant surprise." Hiccup struggled with a decent greeting in front of the man who gave Snotlout his arrogance.

Spitelout then took out one of the spears sticking from the ground. "Eh, dull."

Snotlout quickly snapped out of his shock. "Haha, yeah, I was just telling them that, dad. Hey, did you see that-"

"I come with news from Berk." His father announced interrupting his son. "There's to be a union tomorrow between two proud houses: our family, House Jorgenson, and..."

"Please not Henderson." Raeda pleaded.

"Trust me lass, no one wants a repeat of 'the incident'." Spitelout said shuddering. "It is with..."

"What kind of muttonhead would marry into the Jorgenson's?" Astrid whispered to the Haddock twins.

"...Astrid's family, House Hofferson!"

Astrid eyes widened in shock. "..Wait, did he just say... House Hofferson?"

"That's as unprecedented as a Jorgenson-Henderson union." Fishlegs stated. "There has never been a union between these two families! Hoffersons have always disliked Jorgensons, and.."

"Jorgensons have always irritated Hoffersons." Astrid finished. Dread filled her face as she realised something. "Wait, this means Snotlout's gonna be... family?"

"Welcome to the club." Hicca said. The Haddocks were also joint with the Jorgensons through marriage.

Snotlout walked to Astrid and put an arm around her. "What's the problem, cuz? This is just going to bring us closer!"

His new 'cousin' elbowed him in the gut.

"Welcome to the family, lass. Now, onto business!" Spitelout continued.

He takes something out of his saddle and unwraps it.

Snotlout immediately recognises it. "Woah! The Jorgenson family ceremonial axe! There's never been a union without it!"

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