Chapter 13... The vampire's lair

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Seto´s P.O.V

The next morning we all gather at the training grounds with our suplies to disscus the way there. Ashley stood in the center of the group so everyone could hear her ¨Morning everyone, so to get to the vampire lair we need to go through the woods, its quite far so we will be camping when the sun goes down. The vampire boss is the most powerful so make sure we deal with him together, the normal vampires are easy enough to kill on your own. I will lead the way through the forest, so lets go¨ her voice explained. Everyone picked up their backpacks and followed after Ashley.

As we got to the start of the forest I saw Ty edge closer to Adam, their eyes were full of worry, I send them both a thought message ¨Guys its going to be okay, don´t worry. Stay close to the group nothing will happen¨. They look over at me and nod their heads. I noticed that Charlotte was holding onto Jerome´s arm very tight, I nudge Tayanne and point to Charlotte, ¨Do you think she is afraid of vampires Tayanne¨ I ask Tayanne quietly, Tayanne nods her head and sends me a message ¨A group of vampires came after her when she was 7 to try and take her powers from her but she managed to escape¨ she said.

Night time came around and Ashley said that we should pitch our tents, when we were done me and Tayanne had to charm lock them for the right people. Mitch and Jerome had made a campfire and got some extra logs for everyone to sit on. We all sat around the campfire eating some steak for dinner, we shared stories for a while and went to bed at around 10:27pm. Me and Tayanne shared a tent, it was small but it was just right for us. We curled up in our sleeping bags and called out to everyone else ¨goodnight guys¨ a few tired goodnights replied and not long after came soft snores. I could hear zombies groaning and spiders hissing, everything was quiet and still. Night time can be so peaceful, I felt my eyes lids getting heavy and the sleep wanted to take over. I closed my eyes but a scream echoed through the forrest, I shot up and so did Tayanne. Looking at eachother we transformed and ran out of our tent, we looked around the area and saw some strange movement by Charlotte and Jerome´s tent, it was transparent and in the shape of a human. We edged closer to the tent, I cast a fire spell and the figure burnt leaving a pile of ash and a strange piece of metal, on the ground. Tayanne walked around the back of the tent and gestured for me to follow her, I picked up the metal and followed her to the back of the tent. Tayanne was kneeling down next to someone, it was Charlotte. She was curled up and shakeing, tears dripped down her cheeks and onto the grass ¨Charlotte what happened¨ Tayanne asked putting her arms around Charlotte ¨A-Ashley brought the vampires to us, she went further into the forrest and that vampire was trying to take me away again¨ Charlotte broke down crying. So Ashley is not one of us, she is on the other side, ¨Seto can you go get Jerome please?¨ Tayanne asked, I nod and run around to the front of the tent. I poke Jerome in the side ¨Jerome wake up, there was an attack¨ I say punching his shoulder he shot up from his sleeping bag and ran outside, he had his diamond axe in hand, his eyes made him look as if he was ready for a fight. Jerome saw Charlotte on the ground, hugging her knees and tears dripping down her cheeks. He ran over and wrapped his arms around her ¨What happened Seto?¨ He asks ¨A vampire attack, Ashley is on their side now and she has this whole time. We are going to have to change our battle plan¨ I explain ¨I knew there was somthing wrong with Ashley¨ Tayanne said  quietly ¨yeah me and Seto have known Ashley for years, I would have never guessed that she would be up to that¨ Jerome said with his head hanging. I could see the full moon, it was high in the sky ¨I hope there are no wearwolfs out tonight¨ Tayanne said holding onto my arm. A loud howl seemed to come from every direction of the forest ¨What was that¨ Tayanne asked in a panic, Jerome looked around amongst the tall and terrifying trees. A pair of light blue glowing eyes came into veiw, a deep growl surrounded us and sent shivers down our spines. The creature pounced from its position, eyes fixed on me. It was a wolf, its redish brown paws pinned me down on the damp grass. The wolf growled again, everyone backed up and stayed quiet ¨Seto, don´t move¨ Jerome says getting his axe ready to attack. The rest of the group must have heard the wolf because they came running out of their tents, everyone had transformed and were ready to defend. Adam looked at the wolf for a moment ¨T-Tyler? is that you¨ he asked with a shakey voice, the wolf stopped trying to rip me to ribbons and looked at Adam. A bright blue light surrounded me and the wolf, I tried to shield my eyes from the light. Within seconds the wolf had transformed into a boy, he was leaning over me ¨oh I am sorry, here let me help you up¨ he said offering his hand to me. The boy was wearing a red and gray checkered top over a plain white one, blue jeans, black trainers and black glasses. His eyes were light blue and his hair was a soft light brown. ¨It is you Tyler! um why were you trying to eat Seto?¨ Adam asked the boy ¨Oh um yeah hi everyone, and Seto I am sorry for trying to eat you¨ Tyler grinned. To be honest I was terrified but I had to act brave ¨Apology accepted just please don´t do it again¨ I said smiling, he grinned at me ¨I don´t think I will try again¨ he laughed ¨so what brings you here Tyler¨ Mitch asks ¨Well I heard about the situation with the bosses and I decided to see if I could help, running into you guys on the way and kinda almost killed Seto but we don´t think about that¨ Tyler said trying to hold in a laugh. ¨Well join up with us, last time I saw you, your fighting skills were amazing¨ Adam beamed, Tyler smiled ¨okay I will, if its okay with you guys?¨ he asks, everyone murmered a ¨sure¨ or a ¨cool¨, ¨well then its settled, Tyler is part of the group thing¨ Ty said ¨your going to have to share a tent with Jason is that okay?¨ I ask Tyler.

Tyler´s P.O.V (Didn´t expect that did you)

¨your going to have to share a tent with Jason is that okay?¨ Seto asks me, I look around and try to figure out which one was Jason. ¨This is Jason¨ Mitch says pushing Jason towards me, a faint blush covered his cheeks, he wore what looked like a blue space suit and a helmet was strapped on his back. ¨Um hi I-I am J-Jason¨ he stutters ´aw thats pretty cute... no no shut up Tyler. He won´t like you that way´ I thought, I smiled and offered my hand for him to shake ¨pleased to meet you Jason¨ I say. ¨okay now we are done with introductions can we please go back to sleep, this benja needs his sleep¨ Mitch says rubbing his eyes ¨oh yeah I forgot it was like, gone midnight¨ Ty said looking at a watch under his wristband ¨well goodnight then¨ Seto says picking a girl up, Tayanne I think her name is. Everyone wandered to different tents ¨w-well our tent is t-this way¨ Jason stuttered ´stop being cute damn it´ I grinned at his stutter ¨aw come on I don´t bite¨ I say grinning ¨well you k-kinda do¨Jason says quietly ¨anyway this is my- uh no our tent¨ he says ´why is he so nervous? am I really that scary looking?´. Inside the tent there were two sleeping bags, a torch and a space book, ´so he likes to read about space, that also explains his space suit´. Jason got into his sleeping bag and grabbed his book and torch, I grinned and pulled my shirts off, I could see Jason looking over his book slightly. He blushed when he saw that I had caught him checking me out, I laughed and slid into the other sleeping bag next to Jason ¨well goodnight Jason¨ I say in a sort of husky voice ¨u-uh g-goodnight T-Tyler¨ he says before quickly shutting his torch off and curling up in his sleeping bag. After a few minuets I could hear Jason´s soft breathing, I turn over to face him ´now that is cute´ I thought. My thoughts were disrupted by Jason, quietly moaning my name , I grin as I watch him sleep. A small smile apears on his lips and he goes silent ´maybe he does like you that way after all´ I thought, I lay down and close my eyes.

A/N:So there it is chapter 13, sorry it took sooo long to get finished. But Tyler is now part of the story as a wearwolf yay. haha anyway, hope you enjoyed PEACE my Enders!

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