Chapter 17... The wither

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Tayanne's P.O.V
All our supplys were ready and everyone was waiting at the gates of the sky palace. Everyone was there exept Jason and Tyler, we waited for 5 minuets before Ty started to get annoyed ¨I am calling Jason to see why they are takeing so long¨ Ty said pulling out his phone. He puts it on speaker and waits for Jason to pick up, the call was answered ¨hey¨ said a really relaxed voice, belonging to Tyler. ¨where the hell are you two¨ Ty shouted ¨Tyler, give me my phone¨ came Jason's voice, there was a bump followed by the sound of Jason giggling ¨right okay guys where are you¨ Adam asked ¨we are in our room, why¨ Jason says ¨we have been waiting for you two for ages, we have to to the nether to get some soul sand and wither skulls. So hurry up and get your armour on and your supply packs, don't forget your weapons¨ Seto says ¨Oh I am so so sorry guys, we will be right there¨ Jason says hurridly before hanging up. We waited for them for a little bit before they emerged from the palace, Tyler was wearing his new set of adaptive armour me and Seto made for him. Same with Jason, their swords hung by their sides and their backpacks on their backs. They spotted us and quickly ran over ¨I am so so sorry that we are late guys¨ Jason said hanging his head ¨its alright, your here now¨ Seto said ¨come on we need to get to my workshop to use the portal¨ Seto said pointing in the direction of the workshop. We all start to walk to the workshop, I walk next to Jason because I wanted to talk to him. We walked behind the rest of the group, I noticed a few red and blue marks on Jason's neck ¨I see Tyler has been busy¨ I say to Jason, pointing towards his neck. Jason's cheeks turned bright red and he chuckles nervously ¨umm yeah he has¨ he says shyly ¨you guys are so cute together¨ I say smiling ¨thanks, I know I loved him from the first time I saw him¨ Jason smiles. We catch up to the group and I take my place next to Seto, he smiles and takes my hand, I return the smile and we continue to walk on the path. We finally arrived at the workshop, Seto unlocks the door and we all step inside, the door locked behind us and we walked down the stairs to the portal. ¨Ready everyone¨ Seto asks, everyone nods and smiles, we step into the portal two at a time. Seto holds my hand as the purple swirls cloud my vision, when I open my eyes the heat hits my face and the smell of smoke fills my nose. Everyone else comes through the portal, we pull out our swords and we make our way to the nether fortress. I look back at the group, Jason was sticking close to Tyler's side with a scared look on his face. ¨hey guys I found it¨ Charlotte says pointing at the red-ish purple building ¨well done sis¨ I say patting her on the back. We carefully walk inside, swords in one hand and a torch in the other, the sound of the blazes surround us, I shudder slightly because I don't like the nether that much. We round a corner and come across a small staircase, nether wart sat ontop of the soul sand. We take our shovels from our backpacks and we start to dig up some soul sand, everyone handed me their nether warts to me for my potions. ¨right guys we have to get 3 wither skulls now okay¨ I say, we split up into groups of two. Me and Seto, Jason and Tyler, Jerome and Charlotte, Adam and Ty, also Mitch joined on with Jerome and Charlotte. Me and Seto went up to the top of the fortress to see if we could find any wither skeletons, we see one stood on a little ledge and I fire an arrow at it. It comes running towards us, Seto swung his sword and hit the skeleton in the ribcage, I hit it again and it died. We searched for the skull in the pile of bones, Seto found it and placed it in his backpack. ¨I wonder if anyone else has found any skulls¨ I asked Seto ¨we can find out now, watch this¨ he says pulling out a small cube from his pocket, the cube glowed a green-ish blue colour before opening up and flying infront of us. It was a computer cube, Seto scrolled through his contacts and found everyone. The cube flashed a little before we heard everyone's voices ¨guys me and Seto have one skull¨ I say, they cheer ¨we have one too¨ Tyler says ¨okay so we need one more, call back when you find one¨ Seto says before hanging up and putting the cube back in his backpack. We carry on looking for a skeleton, we find one stood in a corridoor inside the fortress. We kill it and search for the skull, we couldn't find one so we moved on. We kept searching, me and Seto had killed about 5 more wither skeletons and hadn't found a skull. The cube started ringing again, Seto tapped the smooth surface and it opened up. We could hear Tyler and Jason's voices ¨guys we have another skull¨ Jason says happily ¨we have one too¨ Adam says ¨us too¨ said Jerome ¨well we have more than enough so lets meet back at the portal¨ I say, they all agree and we hang up.

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