Chapter 9... The great battle of awesomeness

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Jerome's P.O.V

After hours of walking, we finally made it to the tower. I was daydreaming about what happened with Seto earlier, it really worried me and everyone else. I think we are going to have to keep Seto's emotions level or it will happen again. We walk up to the giant doors of the tower and we push, it took all of us to open one of the doors. As we stepped inside I felt Charlotte grab my hand tightly, I look at her beautiful face and see her eyes glazed with tears "Charlotte? Whats wrong" I ask her "I-I am scared Jerome, what if something bad happens to anyone" she says whimpering, I wrap my arm around her waist "shh its okay nothing bad will happen, we will beat the boss, do you know how?" She asks me why "because #WeAreBoss" I shout, Charlotte giggled at me god she is so cute,I smile at her and we walk inside. We all look around the tower and we spot a giant staircase ¨this looks promising¨ says Adam holding onto Ty's hand tight and leading us up the stairs, it seemed to quiet as the stairs creaked, Mitch stopped us, he held his finger to his lips ¨shh I hear something, Seto, Tayanne you guys can look through blocks right?¨ Mitch asks they both nod their heads ¨ can you see if the king is above us¨ Mitch wispers. Tayanne and Seto chant something in latin? and their eyes start to glow bright, filling the room with a eerie glow. Seto turned around to face us ¨hes right above us so be careful, take a strenght potion and have healing ready¨ Seto wispers. I take out my diamond axe and hold it tight in my hand, I look at charlotte, she has her hands held out ready to cast her magic. Seto fires a ball of smoke into the room above and we all run in, we see the skeleton king flying high in the center, he fires some sort of black swirls at Adam, he doges the swirls and throws a ball of fire at the bag of bones, it was surrounded with sheilds, ¨ we have to knock out the sheilds first¨ Mitch shouts over the loud crashes and bangs. Seto´s eyes are glowing their bright purple as he throws a bright purple spark at the king sending a shield flying to the corner of the room. I look over at Seto as his eyes continue to glow even brighter than ever before, I see Mitch draw back all of his bows and fire them at the king, another two shields come flying off the kings body, I duck out of the way quickly so they don't hit me "one left guys" Seto shouts. Everyone was shooting magic, arrows, acid balls everything, nothing was working to knock out the last one, the litch shot a ball of dark black swirls at Tayanne, she didn't move out of the way but just before it hit her Seto jumped in front of her and put a protective barrier around them. I ran at the litch with my diamond Axe named Betty, and I hit the shield with a great force unfortunately it didn't knock it off. We all took cover behind a large door and we quickly discussed how we were going to take out the last one, "maybe if we use our powers together it will work" Ty suggested, it sounded like it would work. We stepped out from the door and we got into a position were we could see each other and shoot our powers at the shield. "On the count of three" Adam shouted "1,2,3!" everyone's powers made a rainbow sort of, shimmering purples, dark reds, greens, yellows and blues, it looked really cool, the shield came flying off the litch, we all began cheering and high fiveing, but the battel was not over yet. The litch shot black swirls at Seto, he jumped out of the way and returned a fireball back at the litch, the fireball hit the litch and took away a fair bit of health, next Mitch fired all his bows at  the litch taking away even more health. we kept shooting and slashing at the litch, it was only  matter of time until we defeated it, Ty shot a huge ball of acid at the litch, taking away the last of its health, again we all started cheering, when we heard crashing and smashing from the litch, sparks and swirls came flying. I grabbed Charlotte and we took cover as did everyone else, I poked my head upand saw the litch´s body glowing and getting bigger, ¨guys I think that its going to blow cover your eyes¨ Seto shouts over the crashes as he pulls Tayanne close to his chest, the litch is now as wide as a tree, the litch gives a shrill scream, my ears felt like they were bleeding, everyone looked in the direction of the litch just as a bright light started to form around the skeleton´s body. It was dead, wow that was an okay battel, ¨ great work everyone¨ Adam calls.

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