Chapter 3... a long lost sister

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Seto's P.O.V

"Is it can it be" Tayanne begins to speak the girl finished her sentence "my sister" I look at Tayanne and her dark eyes full of tears threatening to spill any second, a tear delicately fell down her cheek, Tayanne ran over to the girl and threw her arms around her "Charlotte I I missed you were did you go, why did you have to go" Tayanne said sobbing. I walked over to Tayanne and I put my arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "I am sorry I had to go Tayanne, I had no choice, the pressure was to much, the truth is I I am a rainbow hybrid" Charlotte admitted, I could feel the front of my shirt getting wet from Tayanne's tears, I rub calming circles on her back. She looked at Charlotte "Can you stay in the kingdom Charlotte please" Tayanne pleaded "I can but not forever" Charlotte says sadly. After a few hours of talking, Charlotte had to sleep. Me and everyone else except Jerome left, I decided to send a thought message to Tayanne "I think Jerome likes Charlotte", I hold onto Tayanne's hand tight and waited for Tayanne to thought message me back " I think he does, we should ask him". I look at Tayanne and we begin to laugh, everyone looked at us like we were crazy, "what's so funny" Ty said sternly we both giggled nothing. "Guys can we play a round of teacher or cops and robbers" I say holding back my laughter, we decided to play cops and robbers. We logged into the game and we started to run around the spawn "Jason get on the pressure plate" we say pushing him, we laughed as he was teleported to the wardens room. We were all teleported to our cells. Adam, Ty and Ashley were in a cell and Tayanne and Mitch were in a cell, I was on my own. I sat in the corner on my own, "Seto were are you" Tayanne called "I am in this cell on my own" I say. I start to dig a hole in the back wall, I stop when I hear the door open "Seto!!!" I hear Tayanne shout "Tayanne!!!" I shout back she threw her arms around my neck. Jason was stood at the door "you can be in the same cell but no funny business" I grinned at him and I started to make out with Tayanne I said to her in my head go along with it, we're going to break out, we continue to make out Jason tried to shoot Tayanne with a arrow but I put a protection sphere around us, Jason raged and went to go and sort the others. Me and Tayanne started laughing, "come on we are breaking out" I say to Tayanne. We begin to punch the wall to break it down, when we made the hole big enough for us to fit through. I jumped down and Tayanne jumped down after me, I caught her in my arms and we ran off towards the boat, doing the jumping puzzle, I landed on the boat I held out my hands to catch Tayanne, she jumped and I caught her. I saw out the corner of my eye, Jason at the top of the broken bridge getting out his bow, "quick run to the pressure plate" I shout to Tayanne. We jumped on the plate and we won the game. Jason was raging again, we all laughed because usually Jason always wins.

Time skip 1 week later

Charlotte is out of the hospital and is slowly getting better, I decided to try and find out what happened to her, Tayanne and I were at my house well our house. "Tayanne i have to go and sort something out for the guys okay" I call up to her "okay Seto be careful its going to be dark soon" she called back "okay I will, I love you" "I love you too". I leave the house, as I walk I turn my though messages off so Tayanne can't hear my thoughts and I teleport to the sky arms base, I knock on the door of Charlotte's cabin, she comes to the door and let me in, " Hey Charlotte, I need to talk to you" I say, she motions for me to sit down, instead of sitting I float in mid air, she looked at me shocked "its okay I am a sorcerer, I prefer to float instead of sitting" I say, "okay, what can I do for you" she says, "well I was hoping you would tell me how you got hurt, I treated your wounds and they looked like dragon claws" I say hopeing for an answer, she looked really nervous about me asking this "um yeah it was a dragon, from the end it kind of attacked me, well I attacked it." Charlotte mumbled. "What were you doing in the end?" I asked her suspiciously looking into her eyes, I thought hard and I used magic to pick her up, "what were you doing in the end" I repeat, "fine fine I will tell you" she said "I was in all the dimensions the end, the nether and the over world, all the bosses in Minecraftia are going to take over, they are starting by in slaving all the hybrids, I tried to kill off the ender dragon but it attacked me and sent me to the over world. I was bleeding badly that's when your friends Jerome, Mitch,Adam, Ty, Jason and Ashley found me and brought me to you and Tayanne" she blurted out they are going to kill all the hybrids and take over the dimensions "we need to tell everyone" I say worriedly she nods. We run towards the castle, I pull on the chain and we go inside, I teleported Tayanne to me, she looked really confused "Seto why are we here" she asked me "we need to talk to everyone. I grabbed Tayanne's hand and ran towards the meeting room, we stepped inside and I called the guys mobile phones. " Everyone come to the meeting room right now" I said. After a few minutes everyone was here, I motion to sit down, me and Tayanne hover because seats are uncomfortable. I begin to speak, I must have sounded nervous because Tayanne came closer to me and held my hand in hers, I smiled at her and I began to talk, "Everyone, I gathered you here today because I have some terrible news, all the bosses from the over world, the end and the nether are going to take over all of Minecraftia, they are also going to kill all of the hybrids, this might not concern any of us because well none of us are hybrids." I blurt out, Ty put his hand in the air and said "um well I am a hybrid, but I am not evil. I can show you if you want" we all nodded, Ty closed his eyes, black and purple wings started ripping through his shirt, his finger nails turned into claws and he had tiny fangs. Ty opened his eyes they were glowing bright purple "as you can guess i am a ender dragon hybrid" Ty said truthfully. Adams hand shot up as well "if we are still on the topic, I am a hybrid of herobrine they call me skybrine" sky's eyes turned bright yellow and a ball of fire appears in his hand. Next Jason transformed, his body grew and developed three heads, he was witherMU , Mitch transformed too along with Jerome, Ashley and Charlotte. Mitch had several bows hovering around his head, Jerome closed his eyes and a budder crown appeared on his head along with a diamond Axe in his hand, Ashley's eyes turned dark red and she grew little fangs. When Charlotte changed rainbows surrounded her, her blue tips in her hair changed to rainbow. I was surprised with everyone, we have been friends for years and I never knew they were hybrids, "if we are being honest" I started, I let my feet touch the floor, I waved my hands above my head and my clothes changed to my robes " I am a sorcerer and so is Tayanne but she is the queen of the undead". "Why didn't anyone say anything" Adam says "I though that you think that I am a monster, because the ender dragon isn't the most friendly mob in Minecraftia" Ty mumbled quietly. "Guys you are all my friends, I don't think any of you are monsters" Tayanne said, I took her hand and smiled "we are like a family, we have to stop this disaster from happening" I said bravely.

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