Chapter 8...The first boss

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A few weeks later

Seto's P.O.V

We have been training for a few weeks now, and it is time to face the first boss. The skeleton king. We have everything we need, weapons, armour, food, potions and a few other things. We can't put this off any longer Jerome told us a few weeks ago he was attacked by herobrine. So here we are going to kill a boss. I call up to Tayanne, she was upstairs changing into her armor. "Tayanne are you almost ready we need to go" I call up the stairs, within minutes Tayanne came rushing down the stairs, with her armor on and her sword attached to her waist, with her bow and arrows on her back, she had tied her blonde and purple hair into a pony tail. "Are we ready to go Seto?" Tayanne asked me, "we sure are Tayanne" I say with a smile. I take her hand in mine and I think about the sky army base, the purple swirls surround us and in seconds we were standing in the center of the base gardens, we see Mitch, Adam, Jerome, Ty, Jason, Charlotte and Ashley walking towards the center base gardens, were me and Tayanne were standing, everyone was wearing their armour, they had their swords and bows too. Ty's face had lost all of its colour but it came back when Adam intertwined their fingers, their faces flushed bright pink, we discussed how we were going to find the skeleton king, as Mitch is his hybrid he has a better idea on where we can find it "well there is a tower and there are a lot of floors in it and we have to make our way up the stairs but there are a lot of Redstone traps so watch out" Mitch explains "where can we find the tower Mitch?¨ Adam asks Mitch ¨ in the twilight forest¨ Mitch mumbles ¨we need to build the portal, its a two by two hole in the ground filled in with water and we have to surround in with flowers, then we have to throw in one diamond¨ Mitch explains to everyone. Jerome starts to dig the hole in the ground and Charlotte runs to go and get water, me and Tayanne go and find flowers to surround the portal, and Ty runs to his house to go and get a diamond to throw into the water. Me and Tayanne pick enough flowers and we run back to the portal, we place the flowers around the hole and Charlotte fills it in with water. ¨Ty the diamond please¨ I say to him, Ty passed me the diamond and I threw it into the water. Purple swirls surrounded us and the portal was created, everyone stared at it for a moment then Adam shouted ¨To the Twilight forest¨ then he jumped into the portal followed by Ty, then Mitch and Jerome, Ashley, Jason and Charlotte, and finally me and Tayanne, she looked a bit scared so I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek, Tayanne' s cheeks turned bright red and we jumped in. The swirls surrounded us once more, me and Tayanne closed our eyes and when we opened them we were in the Twilight forest and everyone was stood around us with their swords out. They were all in their hybrid forms, as a group we are quite a scary bunch of people, anyone who took one look at us would run away screaming, because its not everyday you see 9 people with glowing eyes walk down the street. ¨Now we are all here how are we going to find the skeleton king¨ says Adam, ¨ He is in a tower at the heart of the forest, he is at the very top of the tower¨ says Mitch as he starts to lead us through the deep forest. We had been walking for a while and it was starting to get dark, we couldn't walk anymore it was to risky, the trees were a few blocks thick but they were hollow. So we took a tree for two people each but one might have to have three. Me and Tayanne shared a tree, Adam and Ty shared one, Jerome and Charlotte shared one, and Jason, Ashley and Mitch shared one. We mined through the outer wall of the tree and we put down our beds and a furnace to keep us warm, there was torch bugs on the walls giving off a faint green glow. Tayanne was in bed asleep, and I was sat on one of the branches of the huge tree, as I stared up at the stars I feel a tap on my arm, I turn around and see Tayanne shivering she looked really scared ¨ Hey Tayanne whats wrong?¨ I ask her, ¨I was scared and I couldn't sleep¨ she said still shivering, I pull Tayanne close to me and I wrap my arms around her, as we watch the stars in the night sky. We see Adam and Ty in the neighboring tree, they were sat on a branch just like us, they were still in their hybrid form so Ty had wings coming through his t-shirt and Adam has balls of magic surrounding them, they were kissing each other with their fingers intertwined with each others. Me and Tayanne smiled at them and we continued to watch the stars. It was getting colder and we were getting tired so we decided to go inside and sleep, as we climbed down the ladder, we decided to put our beds together. Tayanne lay down on the bed next to me and I snaked my arms around her, I whispered in her ear "I love you Tayanne" as I kissed her cheek softly she smiled and whispered back "I love you too Seto" Tayanne returned a kiss on my cheek, I smiled and we both fell asleep still smiling.

Morning time

I wake up, and the bed feels cold, my arms empty and limp. Tayanne had disappeared, I started to panic "what if she is hurt, what if she is gone forever" I cry out loud. I hear a creaking sound from our ladder in the tree, and I hide my face in my hands and I cry, big sobs but silent. I feel a warm presence in front of me, I lift my head from my hands and I see Tayanne kneeling down in front of me, smiling. I throw my arms around her and I hold her tight, "Seto, Seto I can't breath" Tayanne giggles, "where were you?, are you hurt? Oh please be okay" I say worriedly, I begin to cry again falling onto the floor a purple glow surrounded me, then I feel pain, strong pain. It hurt so much I screamed out, I hear lots of footsteps run into the room, "Seto!? Seto!? Are you okay what happened" Ty Cry's helplessly, I didn't answer continuing to scream. The purple glow becomes stronger and stronger with every scream. The pain was like nothing I had felt before, as my screams filled the room my body began to lift itself off the ground and stay high above everyone's heads, I could not do anything to stop it. Mitch grabbed a rope from his backpack and he threw it so it pulled me back down, they all held me down. My eyes continued to glow bright purple "let go of me" I roared "Seto, don't listen to it, refuse the power, look at me" Tayanne says to me, taking my hand in hers she kissed my cheek. I flushed bright red and my body relaxed, the glow disappeared, I felt so weak and drained. "Seto!" Tayanne threw her arms around my neck, she snuggled her face into the crook of my neck and tears began to drip down her cheeks and down the neck of my hoodie. "Don't scare me like that, I thought I was going to lose you forever" Tayanne sobs into my neck, I wrap my arms around her waist and I kiss her forehead "I am sorry Tayanne, I don't know what happened to me" I whisper to her. Jason raises his hand and he begins to speak "Seto because your a sorcerer your emotions take over your powers don't they, like you were worrying about Tayanne so the power was taking you over. Its like when you eat chocolate, you either get all hyper or you become really clingy" Jason explains, I blush remembering what happens when I eat chocolate, like he said I either get hyper or clingy, its mainly clingy though, "lets hope that Tayanne never gives you chocolate Seto" Adam laughs, I hear Tayanne mumble something. I wrap my arms around her and I whispered seductively in her ear "what was that Tayanne?" She looks into my deep purple eyes and her face flushes with bright red "o-oh n-nothing" she mumbles even quieter, the others had walked back to their trees laughing and smiling. I pin Tayanne up against the wall by her wrists, she begins to giggle uncontrollably, I put my finger to her lips and she tried not to giggle even more, "what did you say Tayanne" I ask pushing my body closer to hers, Tayanne's face became even brighter, she kept her lips sealed. I smile at her and I lean in closer to her face "I know when your lying baby" I lock our lips together and we kiss for what seems like forever, I didn't want the moment to stop.


Yeah a bit of drama happened here, Seto's body was being taken over and the two love birds had their moment


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