Chapter 19...a new plan

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Seto's P.O.V
I wake up in a guest room at the sky palace with Tayanne beside me. Adam had not informed us of anything during the night about Ty. We quickly changed and rushed over to their room. I knocked on the door and Adam opened it and let us in. ¨Good morning guys¨ he said tiredly ¨good morning, hows Ty¨ Tayanne asked while she looked for Ty, ¨he was okay, a bit shakey but after you guys left he fell asleep. Hes in the shower right now¨ Adam explains ¨oh okay, is he stable on his feet¨ she asked ¨yeah, I made sure that he was able to stand on his own before he went in¨ Adam said. ¨anyway, whats going on about the next boss Seto¨ Tayanne asks ¨we are going to the End next, we have everything ready practitcly but we just need to repair yours and Ty's armour which won't take long¨ I explain. The bathroom door opens and Ty walks out wearing some jeans and a t-shirt that belonged to Adam, ¨good morning Ty, how do you feel¨ Tayanne asks ¨I-I am okay but I c-can still hear the voices s-sometimes¨ Ty replies, his voice was quiet. I lift up his sleeve to check out the cut, it had scabbed over but it was still dark with purple blood ¨let me bandage it up again for you Ty¨ I say taking the bandages off of the dresser, I hold his arm gently and mutter some words to myself. The wound glowed a soft violet as I cleaned it, I bandaged it carefully and tied the end so it wouldn't irritate him ¨t-thank you S-Seto¨ Ty whispers. I smile ¨its okay.¨ I say. The room was quiet for a moment ¨lets go and get something to eat so we can discuss the next boss¨ Adam pipes up suddenly. We all head down the stairs and intothe dining room, Jason and Tyler were already there eating some cereal, occasionally feeding eachother. We sit down at the table ¨oh good morning guys, wait Seto, Tayanne? when did you guys get here?¨Jason asks ¨last night, don't worry about it¨ Tayanne says smiling. We all eat some cereal, when we finished I took out my contact cube and called everyone, I told them to come to the meeting room.

When everyone was here I started to speak, ¨good morning everyone. Once again we are here. I have come up with a plan for our next attack, we have to act quickly because they are coming up with ways of messing with us¨ I explain, everyone sat around the table, listening carefully. Jerome put his hand up cautiously ¨could I ask which boss we are going after now¨ he asks ¨the next boss is the enderdragon, now Ty is the most important in this operation but right now he is not in the right mental state due to something that happened last night¨ I explain carefully, I didn't want to give away any details about Ty's arm and the voices that he was hearing. ¨so we are going to the End¨ Charlotte mumbled ¨I know you have bad experiences there but we have to go, and with all of us it will be easy¨ Adam says smiling ¨personally I am looking forward to it¨ Jason says quietly ¨is it because you can see the stars clearly¨ Tyler asked Jason as he held his hand, Jason nodded shyly. I give a small smile, Tyler is a great boyfriend to Jason, everyone can see that and nobody can avoid smiling when they are around. ¨we have everything we need nearly, I just have to repair some armour and weapons. Oh that reminds me, Jerome drop by the workshop after lunch and you too Charlotte¨ I say smiling. They had confused looks on their faces but they smiled anyway. We continued the meeting before me and Tayanne went back to the workshop to fix the armour and weapons ¨ugh I wish Mitch wouldn't break his bow strings everytime he uses them¨ Tayanne says slightly annoyed, I chuckle slightly ¨here let me help¨ I say guideing her hands with my own to fix the string. When we finished fixing them she sighed ¨thanks babe, I wouldn't have done it without your help¨ she says getting up from her chair, I walk into the kitchen to make lunch for us ¨what do you want for lunch Tayanne?¨ I call to her from the kitchen ¨umm...chicken?¨ she said, it sounded more like a question rather than an answer but I started to cook it anyway. It was her favorite anyway. When it was finished I walked to the table and put the plates down, I go into the workshop and see Tayanne sat at her desk with several spell books piled up high next to her, she had black ink and split quill ends scattered and splattered on the surface of the old oak ¨Tayanne, lunch is ready¨ I say walking over to her. It looked like she didn't hear me, so she continued to write on a ink stained parchment ¨Tayanne¨ I said clicking my fingers infront of her face. She still wasn't responding, I thought for a moment before kissing near her lip gently. She jumped slightly and blinked rapidly ¨S-Seto?! when did you get here?¨ she asked while moving her parchments so I couldn't see them ¨a few minuets ago, what are you writing about?¨ I ask ¨o-oh nothing, mmm I can smell lunch. Lets go and eat before Charlotte and Jerome come round¨ she says getting up from her chair and walking into the kitchen. 'this is strange, she never keeps her research a seceret. From me anyway' I thought to myself as I walk into the kitchen. I sit oposite Tayanne and we eat our lunch in silence. When we finished Tayanne got up first and washed the dishes before rushing back to her desk and pulling out the same parchment, I stand in the kitchen baffled. My thoughts were interupted by a knock on the door, I quickly walk to it and open it. Jerome and Charlotte stood there with big smiles on their faces ¨hey guys come in¨ I say letting them in. I lead them into the weapons room ¨so guys basicly, me and Tayanne thought that you guys needed an upgrade when it comes to a non-magical weapon so we created these for you¨ I say pulling the weapons out of the weapon rack. I handed Jerome a huge battle axe made of diamond, emerald and amythyst, he looked at it and grinned wildly ¨wow, this is amazing thanks guys¨ he said admireing the axe. I handed Charlotte hers next, it was a set of hidden blades. They were sharpened to the point where they can cut thrugh obsidian, she looked at them and smiled ¨these are amazing! thank you so much guys¨ she say exitedly as she puts the bands on her wrists and flicking the blades out ¨woah they are so cool¨ Jerome says. We go back into the workshop, Tayanne was still at her desk scribbling on that parchment. ¨hey sis, thanks so much for the hidden blades, they are going to be so useful¨ Charlotte says walking over to Tayanne and looking over her shoulder, Tayanne flinched and hid the parchment in the draw of her desk and used a spell to lock it 'she is acting very strange today' I thought to myself.

Jerome and Charlotte left a little while ago and Tayanne went to bed early. I stayed up trying to figure out why Tayanne was acting like that today, I remembered the parchment that she had hidden in her desk. She hadn't touched it since Jerome and Charlotte came around this afternoon. I walked over to her desk and I sat in her chair. I peer at the draw in the dim light from the candle beside me, I touch the surface of the wood and flinch. Tayanne had put a strong lock on the drawer, she really didn't want anyone to read it, but me being curious I had to find out what was so seceret. I focus my energy on the lock, I thought about it being open and what was inside. Within seconds the lock broke and the drawer was open, I reach my hand into the drawer and take out the parchment. I sit closer to the candle to read what was written in Tayanne's scrawly handwriting, my eyes scanned each word carefully,

A electric language curse, causes its victim to experience random black outs and power drainage. There is no positive way to remove the curse. Other side effects include, random anger outbursts, blood circles to appear under the skin in dark language symbols. If the victim is a magic user, they must not use any form of magic as this will lead them to become slaves to the curse provider (whoever gave the victim the curse). The way you know you have the curse is how there will be a lightning bolt shape on the victims body wherever they were shot at by a curse giver, this mark will hurt to touch by the victim or anyone else.

As I read this I feel my throat tighten, how could I stop this and why didn't Tayanne tell anyone about it. I decided to talk to her about it in the morning, when I put the parchment back I noticed another one, it was labled 'log 1067' I wanted to read it to find out what was going on. I pick up the parchment and take a deep breath.
Log 1067
I don't know what to do, this curse is going to get worse. I won't be as strong in battle because I can't use any form of magic or I become a slave to Szandor, I know hes not dead. Hes a lightning wolf, they don't die by a sword or magic. I am scared. Seto doesn' t know and I don't think I am going to tell him, its going to break his heart when he finds out that I will be a slave soon. I have already used magic, to put a lock on this drawer. If I use any more magic I am going to be taken away forever to fufill the master's wishes. I am so scared I don't know what to do.
The log finished there, well there was a few more words but the ink had smudged. She must have started to cry, she is going to be taken away from me by Szandor, even though we thought that we had killed him we obvously hadn't. I put the parchments away and close the drawer. I walk up the stairs quietly, I open our bedroom door and peek my head in. Tayanne was breathing softly while clutching one of my old cloaks, as if it was a comfort blanket. I smile gently but I feel hot tears falling down my cheeks. I walk away from the door and head into the attic. I open the hatch which lead to the roof. I sit there looking up at the stars, my hot tears continue to fall the more I think about loseing Tayanne. She is the most important person to me, I am not going to be happy without her by my side. I see my contact cube glowing a soft blue colour, it was either Jason or Tyler. I tap the cube and Tyler's face appears in the glow, ¨hey Seto, can you talk?¨ he asks. I nod my head sadly ¨whats wrong, you don't seem right¨ he asks taking a closer look at my eyes ¨your eyes are pale red Seto whats going on¨ he asks with deep concern. I felt my throat tighten ¨T-Tayanne is going t-to be t-t-taken away from me¨ I stutter, my tears couldn't stay back so I let them flow down my cheeks and onto the bricks under me. ¨what do you mean?¨ he asks ¨well y-your cousin put a curse on Tayanne when we saved Ty, if she uses magic now she will have to serve as his slave forever. She can never come back¨ I sob ¨but I killed my cousin¨ he says confused. I shake my head ¨hes an electric wolf, they can't die by magic or swords. He is alive and on the hunt¨ I explain trying to clear my tears away. Tyler's face lost its non-existing colour and his eyes widened behind his thick black glasses ¨we need to protect Tayanne. I have not known her long but shes like a little sister to me now¨ he said blinking back his own tears. We continued to talk well late into the night before Tyler had to leave becaue Jason had woken up from a nightmare. I go down the ladder and into our room, Tayanne still lay there clutching my cloak to her chest. She had single tears falling onto the soft material, I sniff softly as I slide under the covers next to her. I hold her in my arms as my tears mix with hers ¨I love you to much to let you go Tayanne¨ I whisper in her ear before I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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