Chapter 10... Relax before the next battle

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Seto´s P.O.V

We killed the litch, nobody got hurt, well not to badly anyway just a few minor burns and cuts, but we did it. ¨ What do we do now¨ Ty asks ¨ We are going back to the over world to plan our next battel, repair our tools and gather more food and potions¨ I explain ¨ so back to the portal?¨ Mitch asks confused, I nod my head ¨ so lets go this way!¨ Adam screams ¨ ADAM! MY EARS!!¨ Ty crys holding is ears ¨Oh sorry Ty I forgot, you have sensitive ears¨ Adam whispers strokeing Ty´s ears gently aw cute skylox moment I thought to myself ¨come on everyone, this bacca needs his sleep¨ Jerome whines ¨all right bigums cool it¨ Mitch says. We start to climb back down the gigantic tower stairs, almost falling down each step Tayanne grabs hold of my arm and we continue to walkdown the stairs. We are now walking out into the forest, ¨ hope we dont get lost¨ said Charlotte grabbing Jerome´s arm and clutching it tight in her hands, Jerome kissed Charlotte´s cheek, ¨ we wont get lost Charlotte, when Seto is leading the way there is no way we can get lost¨Tayanne says looking at me, her eyes glowing with sparkles, I smile at Tayanne that was really sweet of her ¨I know Seto¨ says Tayanne giggling everyone laughes even though they have no idea what she is on about,it was between me and her.

We finally made it back to the portal, we all jumped into the purple vortex laughing and cheering, and within seconds we were back to the overworld, the sun was shining bright as always, and it was so warm. Even though we had only just spawned back Adam, Jerome, Mitch and Jason were running towards their houses to change out of their armor and drop off their weapons and extra supplys, the rest of us laughed and strolled back to our own houses.
Time skip now home

Me and Tayanne drop our stuff off in our storage room. ¨shall we call everyone to have a minigame party to celebrate?¨ I ask Tayanne ¨that would be fun Seto, just let me go and shower and get changed first, you should too¨ Tayanne calls from upstairs, I shout back okay, its breakfast time so I decide to make me and Tayanne some breakfast, pancakes, toast and bacon. I hear Tayanne tiptoeing down the stairs, trying to be quiet I decided not to ruin her fun, after a few seconds while making a pot of sweet tea, I feel Tayanne jumping on my back shouting ¨ Seto is my nobal steed!¨ then laughing, I start to laugh uncontrolably, with Tayanne still on my back I fall onto the kitchen floor with Tayanne ontop of me ¨why hello there sir Seto¨Tayanne says in a posh voice, so I reply with ¨why I didnt see you their madame, I belive your meal is ready for you now¨ Tayanne starts to giggle even more, I laugh with her and we walk over to the table and hover in the air as we ate, when I finished my breakfast and run upstairs to quickly shower and change so we can go on a minigame party with everyone, when I open the door to go and change in my room, Tayanne pops out of nowhere and makes me jump ¨boo¨ she shouts, it scared me and I laughed so much my sides started to hurt ¨oh no I broke Seto¨ and she runs down the stairs shouting that sentence over  and over again, I smile and I run to my room to change. I put on a plain black tee with a pair of grey jeans and purple trainers. I quickly comb my brown hair, it looks so messy but I cant do anything with it, I run downstairs and I jump on the sofa next to Tayanne, she starts to laugh, ¨Tayyyannnnee, I cant do my hair right¨ I whine ¨aw Seto, my poor baby¨ Tayanne says in a motherly voice ¨come here baby¨, I shuffle closer to her and she takes the comb from my hand and begins to brush it softly, Tayanne always seems to make my hair look better, ¨Thanks babe¨ I say kissing her cheek, she blushes bright red ¨are we ready to call everyone now¨ I nod my head and I pull out my phone and make a group call.
Adam- A

S: hey everyone!

A: Seto havent we seen everyone enough?!?!

T: nope XD

S: lets play minigames!!

J: kk

a: okay

S: see you guys in the minigames arena

¨Come on Tayanne lets go¨ I say pulling her arm, we run down to the arena, everyone was already there, we all laugh and joke as we walk into the prep room and we put on our headsets exept for Ty because he already has one on, ¨so what game first¨ Mitch asks ¨cops and robbers?¨ Tayanne asks we all agree and we press the cops and robbers button and we teleport to the room, ¨Jason get on the pressure plate¨ we all say punching him towards it, we all laugh as he starts to rage, ¨but Seto and Tayanne escaped really easy last time¨ Jason whines, we all get teleported to our cells, still laughing ¨oh mr warden help me I have a deadlox hitting me¨ I shout as Ty hits me ¨well you can die then¨Jasone says shooting me.

A long time had passed by and I was still alone in the death cell, I thought that the game was going to end with me being the only one there, so I sat in the corner of the cell and made a mini light show in my hands, when I heard a tap on iron barred window, I look towards the blinding light and I saw Ty´s green headphones glowing, then his head appeared and in his hand he held a iron picaxe, he grinned at me and broke the bars. I ran up to the window and stood on the ledge and looked down, everyone was standing they had a huge blanket made of wool ¨Jump Seto¨ Tayanne shouts up to me, I take a deep breath and jump down. When I landed we all ran to the broken bridge, we all jumped down, just as we saw Jason on one of the sails aiming his bow at us, I pushed Tayanne towards the pressure plate along with everyone else "everyone run" I shout. Laughing everyone makes it to the plate and we win, Jason once again was rageing at the top of the sail. We all laugh as we are teleported back to the minigames room ¨that was fun, what next¨ Ty asks ¨what about hide and seek¨ Jerome says, we all agree and we press the sign and teleport, I was a seeker along with Jerome, Adam and Ashley. ¨Hey Tayanne, what block are you¨ I ask through my headset, I didnt get a reply, but I got hit with a knockback sword, I hear Tayanne giggling through my headset ¨Hey Seto, I am a flower pot¨ she giggles ¨I am going to catch you Tayanne, "no no please Seto, I fan!" Tayanne giggles. " hum, one thing Tayanne, come here" I say charmingly, she carefully walks towards me, instead of hitting her with my diamond sword I went to pull her into a hug, when we were interrupted by Adam killing Tayanne, "no! Tayanne!" I cry  "Seto, it could have been worse" Adam says. I laugh and joke with him "I am going to find Ty, Adam you gotta save him" I say running off, "hey Ty" I speak through the headset "shh Seto I am hiding, what is it" Ty asks I grin to myself "Ty I need to show you something where are you?" I ask him "I am a work bench, in the little house" he says quietly. I grin once again and I run towards the little house, I walk through the door and I speak through the headset " Ty you here?" I ask "yeah right here Seto" Ty says , he walks out of his hiding place and punches me, "so what did you want to show me Seto" he asks " well did you check the chat, Adam killed Tayanne " I say suddenly interested in the dusty floor, I heard Ty draw a sharp breath " so I am sorry but I have to kill you Ty " I say "o-oh  o-okay Seto, if you must" he says sadly, I smile weakly and I raise my sword and hit him with it, he died there and became a seeker, I pulled out the portable keyboard (A/N yes I did that) and I typed "hey Adam look who just died :D" I waited in the small house for Adam to reply, I smiled again when he did "Aw Seto why you do dis!!" He said I laugh and I continue to play.

Time skip after the games

(Still Seto's P.O.V)

We are all exhausted after all the games, we all put our heatsets back and we leave the lobby, "that was so much fun" Mitch shouts everyone nods in agreement, not everyone is as awake as Mitch only Jerome can keep up with him "Mitch buddy we won the hunger deens!" Jerome shouts just as loud as Mitch, we all laugh. We all made it to the cross roads to our houses, Mitch, Jason and Ashley went down the path into the village, Adam, Ty, Charlotte and Jerome took the path towards the sky army castle. And me and Tayanne went into the forest, "bye everyone" me and Tayanne called, everyone called back and we went our own ways.

Tayanne and I walk through the trees, it was all quiet and everything was still, we walk hand in hand to our house, Tayanne's dark eyes started to close as she walked along beside me, I smile as she almost trips on a uprooted tree root, I catch her and she looks up at me and smiles sleepily, I chuckle lightly and I pick her up ¨Thank yooouuu Settooo¨ she giggles sleepily ¨Aww her giggle is so cute I think to myself. "Seeeettttoooo" Tayanne whines "whhhattt bbaaabbbeee" I copy "III lllloooovvveeee yyyooouuu" she says softly in my ear, causing me to blush a varity of reds and pinks, " I love you too Tayanne" I say before kissing her lips softly.

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