Chapter 18

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Seto's P.O.V
When I wake up I see that Tayanne was not beside me, I sit up and rub my eyes. I get up and grab some jeans and a plain gray T-shirt, I walk into the bathroom and I take a shower. When I come out I walk down the stairs, I hear someone in the kitchen humming softly. I go into the kitchen and see Tayanne at the kitchen sink washing up some dishes ¨morning Tayanne¨ I say walking over to her, she jumps slightly ¨oh good morning Seto¨ she says smiling. We sit at the table and eat some breakfast, ¨when are we going to the next boss?¨ Tayanne asks as she gets up to make tea ¨maybe two or three days away. I need to let Adam know though¨ I say going over to the sink to wash up my dishes ¨oh okay. So what do you want to do today?¨ she asks ¨um, lets go for a walk or play some mini games?¨ I suggest ¨lets play some games¨ she says smiling. She runs up to our room to get dressed, I smile and sit on the sofa in the living room. I take my cube from the side table and I tap the smooth surface, my list of contacts appear with a slight glow. I find Adam's contact and I tap it, the cube rotates before glowing brighter. Adam's face appears in the glow, he looks slightly confused but he smiles quickly ¨hey Seto whats up¨ he asks ¨well I came up with a day to meet up and plan, along with the day of setting out¨ I say ¨we should start to plan tomorrow and actually set out the day after¨ I explain. Adam nods slowly ¨sounds good¨ he replys, we talk for a bit before Tayanne comes down the stairs. She was wearing a pair of black jeans and a light blue tank top along with her sparkly silver trainers, she had tied her long hair into a braid that trailed down her back. ¨you ready to go Seto?¨ she asks ¨sure am, what about you?¨ I reply ¨I am, lets go¨ she says picking up her backpack off of the floor, I grab mine and I follow her out the door. We walk to the mini games arena, we arrive not long after. I stand infront of the board and I read the game choices to Tayanne ¨I think I want to play modded teacher first¨ she says pointing to the sign, I nod and click the sign. We teleported to the lobby and shrink to the size of childeren while we wait for the game to start. I sit next to Tayanne in the classroom and wait for the teacher and other students to arrive, we waited for awhile before some people joined. I laugh when I see who joined the game, Skydoesminecraft, DeadloxMC, Munching brotato, Minecraft universe, ASF Jerome, Bajan canadian and Charlotte star games. It was our friends, Mitch was the teacher and the rest of the group sat at the desks. ¨Good morning class¨ Mitch says in a teacher like voice ¨good morning teacher¨ the class echos, ¨today we are useing the super heros mod, and you guys can find your powers somewhere in the school¨ he explains. Ty gets up from his seat and runs out the door yelling ¨spring break, spring break¨, we all laugh but Mitch wasn't happy ¨TY! get back here, your a bad student. You doods stay here while I kill your classmate¨ Mitch says before running out the door. I jump up from my seat ¨come on guys lets go¨ I say ¨are we getting our super powers?¨ Tyler asks exitedly ¨we sure are now quick, lets go before the teacher comes back¨ I say running out the door. Everyone follows me down the corridor but we hear someone comeing our way, we hide in the cafeteria. I poke my head around the door, Ty runs past really fast with Mitch chaseing him. I step back into the cafeteria ¨guys Ty is the Flash¨ I laugh, they all burst out laughing ¨come on he came from this way¨ I say pointing to the staircase. We run out and up the stairs to the library, I look around carefully for the chests of equiptment ¨guys I think I have found them¨ Tayanne whisper shouts. Everyone walks over to her and looks at the chests. We all pick one and open them, I was batman, Tayanne was cat women, Adam was iron man, Tyler was wolverine, Jason was the green lantern, Jerome was super man and Charlotte was super girl. I look at everyone and smile ¨Mitch does not stand a chance¨ Adam says looking at our reflections in the glass, I hear a sudden swooshing sound, like someone was running past. Then my brain clicked that it was Ty ¨TY COME BACK I CAN'T KEEP RUNNING AFTER YOU¨ a very tired sounding Mitch called. Ty ran into the library and stood behind Adam ¨hey guys, wow. You have your powers¨ he said looking at everyone ¨yep, Mitch is never going to stop us now¨ Charlotte says grinning. Everyone laughs, we were interupted by Mitch breathlessly walking into the library ¨Where are you guys, come on out I am tired¨ he called. I try not to laugh but I was faling, Tayanne clamped her hand over my mouth in attempt to muffle my laughter. ¨Seto I can hear you¨ Mitch calls again, I get up and stand on the fence post, Jason had flown up on a hover board to the windows and pulled the drapes over them. Mitch looked up to where I was crouching ¨who is there¨ he asks curiously ¨your worst nightmare¨ I say in my batman voice before jumping down infront of him. ¨Seto?! where is everyone else¨ he asks looking around. Everyone jumped down so we were stood in a line formation ¨there they are¨ I say, Mitch gets his sword ready to slice us up but he is interupted by Ty running behind him and takeing the sword from his hand. Mitch turns around and starts to run after Ty ¨hey give that back¨ Mitch yells, Adam puts his hand infront of him and blows and huge hole in the wall ¨lets go, Mitch is destracted¨ Adam calls before running out of the school. We all follow him, I hear a familiar swooshing sound as Ty runs up to Adam ¨hes miles away¨ he laughed, everyone joins the laughter as we start to walk to the school bus (A/N: yes there is going to be a school bus now XD). When we reached it we pressed the button and won the game ¨wooo, screw you Mitch¨ Tyler yelled before picking Jason up and running in a circle. My cube started to glow bright red, indicateing that Mitch was calling me. I tap the smooth surface of the cube and Mitch's face appeared ¨Guys where are you, I just got fired¨ Mitch asks ¨the school bus¨ Ty says smugly. ¨oh oka.. wait what?!¨ he yells, I turn the cube so it was faceing everyone sat on the school bus ¨um yeah... HOME TIME¨ Tyler shouts before jumping into the driver's seat and starting the engine. We all laugh and I hang up on Mitch and jump up onto a seat next to Tayanne, ¨T-Tyler do you a-actually know where to g-go¨ Jason stutters from the seat behind Tyler. Tyler keeps his eyes on the road ¨um maybe, I am sure its just down this road¨ he says gripping the steering wheel, I feel a timid tap on my shoulder. I turn slightly and see Ty leaning over the seat ¨do you think I should drive¨ he asks, I nod and stand up, I start to walk to the front of the bus ¨Tyler, Ty said that he would drive¨ I say gently. ¨um o-okay¨ he mumbles before standing up and sitting next to Jason, I signal to Ty to come and drive. I take my seat next to Tayanne.
(Time skip, end of the game)
We jump off the bus and got teleported back to the lobby, Mitch had a slight scowl on his face ¨aw come on Mitch, its just a game¨ Jerome says throwing his arms around Mitch. ¨but it wasn't fair¨ Mitch whines ¨we are just to smart for you Mitch¨ Adam laughs.
We play a few more games before calling it a night, ¨goodnight guys¨ I call as we seperate to go to our homes.

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