Chapter 6... several relationships

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Tayanne's P.O.V

I woke up in mine and Seto's bed, his arms wrapped around me, I open my eyes slightly and I hear a clicking sound, I sit up slightly trying not to wake Seto up, everyone was stood at the end of our bed taking pictures of us sleeping, they were all laughing. "Guys why are you in our room" I whisper shouted at them, it didn't occur to me that we didn't change into pajamas last night, we just took off our robes and went to bed. I blushed bright red and Charlotte threw me my dressing gown, "show me the pictures" I say to them, Charlotte hands me her phone, I blush even brighter, it was me and Seto cuddling close together, I flicked through the pictures and I came across one of me and Seto kissing each other goodnight last night. I laughed at them and I took their phones away from them, they all complained "you can have your phones back if we can have a party and play truth or dare" I say with a evil grin, they all started laughing. Seto must have woken up, I ran back to our room, he wasn't there, I started to worry. I jumped when I felt a strong pair of arms picking me up and spinning me around in circles, I open my eyes and see a pair of beautiful deep purple eyes. Seto's eyes. "Good morning, may I ask what all the noise is about and where did all those phones come from" Seto asked kissing my cheek, well we may have had some people come into our room while we were sleeping and they took photos of us cuddling and kissing. Seto's cheeks turned rosy and his deep purple eyes widened ¨so are these everybody's phones¨ Seto asked I nod my head. ¨ I am glad they did take those photos because your in them¨, Seto snaked his arms around my waist and leaned in close to my face, our lips almost connected but we were interrupted by loud noises coming from the guest room, me and Seto giggled ¨ lets go see whats going on¨. Seto took hold of my hand and lead me towards the door of the guest room, we stood there for a minuet or so, listening. Seto peeked his head around the door and couldn't hold back his laughter I had to cover his mouth with my hand, I took out one of the phones and handed it to Seto he smiled at me and took photos of who was making those noises in the bedroom. Seto started laughing, I shushed him but I found myself laughing too. I grabbed Seto's hand and we ran back to our room, "Seto pass me the phone" I say still laughing, Seto passed me the phone it was Adams, I looked at the photo and I collapsed with laughter. The noise was Ty and Adam, they were kissing each other passionately, me and Seto must have been laughing really loud because we heard Ty and Adam come into our room. "What are you guys laughing at?" Ty asks Seto "oh nothing, but you can have your phones back now" Seto says, he fiddles with some settings for a second and then he hands Adam and Ty their phones. They take one look at their lock screens and they both turn bright red, their eyes begin to glow, Ty's turn from their natural maroon to a startling bright purple, Adams eyes changed behind his glasses I could just about see them change bright yellowy white. They look at me and Seto on the floor and they grin at us in a evil way, I could feel myself being picked up by magic, my hands tightly bound by dark magic, it wasn't me or Seto, it was Adam. After all he is the son of herobrine, Ty's wings came bursting through the back of his T-shirt, spikes pushing through the skin on his arms. "T-Ty, A-Adam stop you don't know w-what your doing" Seto stutters, Ty looks over at Adam, with regret in his eyes Adam put me and Seto down on the ground. Ty closed his eyes and he transformed back to his human form, his shirt ripped to mear scraps of material, his eyes glazed over with tears threatening to spill any second, he fell to the ground the sudden transformation had shocked him. Ty looked into Adams eyes as they changed, Adam didn't fall to the ground, his eyes didn't glaze over with tears, he seamed to take the sudden transformation pretty well, Adam went to Ty and held him in his arms for a moment, "Ty are you okay" Adam whispers in Ty's ear, Ty shakes his head and the tears fall down his cheeks "why did we transform Adam?" Ty asks quietly, "good question, Ty are you in pain?" I ask Ty, he nods his head and stays cuddled into Adams chest, tears still dripping down his cheeks. "Adam take Ty to the guest room, you can both stay here for a bit" Seto says pointing to the guest room. Adam nods and he picks Ty up bridal style and carry's him to the door. "Why is Ty so weak from a transformation Seto" I ask curious "I don't know, maybe he had strong mixed feelings so he transformed" Seto says with a puzzled look on his face.

Time skip, middle of the night

Me and Seto were cuddled up together in our bed, I had the nightmare again and Seto was comforting me, we heard crying coming from the guest room, me and Seto get up out of our warm bed and we walk over to the guest bedroom door. We see Ty and Adam sleeping in the bed together, Adams arms were wrapped around Ty, Adam was holding Ty tight in his arms. Ty was crying out in his sleep, sweat dripped down his forehead and onto the material of Adams shirt. I walked over to the bed and shook Ty's arm "Ty, Ty wake up, your having a nightmare, Ty" Seto says shaking Ty's arm some more, Ty's eyes shot open and he let out a cry, "hey Ty its okay" I say rubbing calming circles on his back, "come and get a drink of water Ty" Seto says taking Ty's arm and pulling him down the stairs. We sit Ty down on the sofa and I make us cups of sweet tea, "so Ty would you like to tell us about the nightmare" I say soothingly, Ty doesn't move "do you want me to get Adam, so he knows too" Seto asks, Ty nods his head and Seto disappeared upstairs and a few minutes later he came back with Adam. I poured Adam a cup of sweet tea and I motion for him to sit down, he sits down next to Ty and he wrapped his arms around his shoulders. "Ty what's wrong" Adam whispered, Ty began to speak his voice was quiet and croaky, he was still in shock "we were in a forest, all of us and we transformed into our hybrids and we were running around laughing and having fun, but then each one of us was grabbed by what looked like a ghost or a shade, we were taken to this lab place and we were all strapped down by our arms and legs with clamps and shackles. Weird people were holding giant needles, they injected one into my arm and my blood came out purple, Adams was yellow, Jerome's was a deep brown-red, Charlotte's was rainbow, Ashley's was bright red, Mitch's was dark red, Jason's was dark blue with black parts, and Tayanne and Seto's blood shimmered all different colors. All I could hear was screaming, the bosses killed you all in front of me, and they left me alone shackled to the wall" Ty blurted out starting to sob, Adam pulled Ty closer to his chest and kissed the top of his head, rubbing calming circles on his back. Ty's sobs started to quieten down, "we should all get to sleep, we have training tomorrow at 9:15am" Seto says yawning. We all stood up and walked up the stairs, we parted ways to our two bedrooms, Ty with Adam and me with Seto. "I hope Ty will be okay" I say quietly, "I am sure he will be, Ty always has bad nightmares but he is okay after a day or two" Seto explains cuddling me. We pull back the covers on our bed and we climb in, it is cold and lonely, "Seto, I am cold are you?" I ask shivering, "yeah its quite cold, come here" Seto pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around my cold body, I snuggle into his chest and fall asleep.

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