Chapter 22...I have to help my lover (continued)

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A/N:Picture of Tanith at the top, don't know where it is for phone, sorry not sorry XD

Tyler's P.O.V
'Jason what are you doing' I ask myself, the light stopped infront of the cell. We had shut the door as if we had never gone inside or out, in the dim light I see the face of Szandor and another couple of guys. ¨hello you two¨ he smirks, Jason and Tanith's faces lost all of their colour ¨what, your not scared are you guys¨ he asks kneeling down infront of them. Tanith shakes her head, Jason was frozen, I could feel the fear radiating off of him. Szandor chuckles slightly ¨get her out of here guys¨ he says to the other guys, they walk over to Tanith and seize her by the arms. They drag her across the floor and out the door, I feel Mitch hunch up, trying to stay quiet. ¨its just you and me now Jason¨ Szandor whispers in Jason's ear.

Jason's P.O.V
¨its just me and you now Jason¨ Szandor whispers in my ear, causeing me to shiver ¨g-get away from m-me¨ I stutter, I try and back up against the wall but once again he closes me into the corner, the one right oposite Tyler and Mitch. His hands trap me both sides so there was no escape ¨your still thinking of him, I can tell¨ he whispers, his face getting closer to mine with every word he whispered. I was to scared to speak so I stood there with my arms pinned to my sides and my head digging into the wall, Szandor's face is a few centimeters away from mine. ¨become mine Jason, not his¨ he says quietly before pressing his lips firmly against mine, it wasn't gentle like Tyler's kisses, it was rough and scary, unwanted. I try to push him away but I was too weak, my hands just remain pushing on his chest. He disconects our lips for a second so he could breathe, before he did it again. He slipped a hand under my shirt, his cold fingers stroked up and down my spine as he kissed me again, I tried to push him away again but he didn't move. He stopped kissing me but his hand remained under my shirt ¨g-get off o-of me, only T-Tyler can t-touch me¨ I stutter, Szanor laughed ¨but Jason, I am always going to be better than Tyler¨ he says as his fingers trace patterns on my back, his hand getting closer to the waistline of my jeans, ¨I will t-tell you again, you can't touch me, thats only for Tyler¨ I say bravely, Szandor frowned slightly ¨well Tyler isn't here is he? so now your all mine¨ he says, his frown turning to a grin. His fingers grasped the waist of my jeans as he fiddled with it, I closed my eyes as he tried to slide his hand under the material but in a flash he was pulled off of me. I open my eyes and feel myself smile, Tyler had Szandor up against the wall by his throat, behind his contact lenses Tyler's eyes glowed bright blue as he growled. ¨you don't touch him¨ Tyler growled, Szandor chuckled ¨you don't deserve him¨ he said looking at Tyler. I step forward ¨yes he does, I knew from the first time I saw him that I loved him. I will never leave him for you¨ I say folding my arms, I felt my particles surrounding me. Szandor looked at me and growled ¨I guess I have to take out the competition then¨ he said grinning as he silently pulled a dagger from his belt. ¨goodbye little cousin¨ he said before plungeing the dagger into Tyler's stomach, my heart stopped and beads of sweat formed on my forehead as Tyler's blood poured out of the wound. ¨goodbye for now Jason¨ Szandor grins before he disappeared, Tyler fell down to the ground, his arms hanging limply over his stomach. I fell down beside him ¨Tyler¨ I whisper, tears welled up in my eyes as he coughed ¨Jason, d-don't cry¨ he whispers hoarsely, his hand touched my cheek and wiped a stray tear away with his thumb ¨your going to be o-okay Jason¨ he says, his eyes were closeing. ¨T-Tyler no no don't close your eyes¨ I say cupping his face, his eyes close as I press a kiss onto his cold lips, I pull away and rest my head on his no longer moving chest and let more tears fall. The door flys open and I feel hands on my shoulders ¨Jason¨ a voice says I lift my head and see Mitch and Tanith ¨stand back Jason¨ Tanith says quietly, I move away from Tyler's body a little bit. Tanith kneels down next to him and bends her head, crystal clear tears fall onto Tyler's wound, they sizzle before glowing a soft orange. The wound was slowly healing, after a second the wound had closed up only leaveing a hole in his black suit and a bit of blood. Even though there was no wound, his eyes didn't open again ¨kiss him Jason, it will make him wake¨ Tanith says. I blink and shuffle across the floor to his side, I take a deep breath before leaning in and pressing another kiss on his lips. A bright blue light surrounded him and a slight breeze ran through the cell, I feel a slight pressure on my own lips as Tyler kisses me back. I disconnect our lips and he sits up, his crystal blue eyes open as he smiles. ¨T-Tyler¨ I squeal as I throw my arms around him, his arms encircle me ¨what happened¨ he asked running his fingers through my hair ¨Szandor killed you before disappearing, Tanith healed you¨ I explain. Tyler lifts his head ¨thank you Tanith¨ he says getting up and pulling me up with him ¨we need to get out of here before he comes back¨ Mitch says, everyone nods. Mitch jumps up at the window and holds onto the bars, with one hand on the bars he takes a knife from his pocket. He whispers something and the knife glows red, Mitch runs the blade over the bars and one by one they broke. Mitch carefully slides through the gap, followed by Tanith, then me and finally Tyler. ¨come on the portal is this way¨ Mitch says pointing towards the woods, Tanith shuffled along ¨you okay Tanith¨ I ask her quietly ¨this is my first time being outside in years¨ she says quietly, I smile and she goes to walk next to Mitch. I hold onto Tyler's arm and snuggle my head into him, I look up at him and see his cute smile, I smile back and we keep walking in and out of the trees.

Together as one (A minecraft youtuber fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora