Unwanted Visitors

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Mai's POV

Riki and I were broken out of our trance by none other, than Hiro.

"Ooooo! Riki and Mai are KISSING! I knew you two would get together some time! Haha! Hey guys, Riki and Mai were kissing!"

I look down and blush a deep red. I probably look like a tomato.

Riki takes my hand and pulls me towards him. "That's right. Mai's mine, so if any of you touch her you're dead."

I widen my eyes at his words. How is he NOT embarrassed?!

"Oooo! Riki's getting all territorial. Man! And I really liked Mai too!" Hiro exclaims.

Riki laughs. "Haha! That's right! She's mine."

I get really warm and happy at his words. I love that he feels this way about me.

I look up at him and whisper, "Thank you." He smiles at me, but blushes a little.


We sit in silence until we get to the museum.

When we get there, it literally blows my mind. It's this huge skyscraper, almost fifty stories, with huge glass windows all around the building. Unfortunately, I don't have time to stand and gape at it.

"Hey, come on." I hear Riki say beside me. I snap out of it and turn my head to him.

"Let's go." He grabs my hand and pulls me inside the huge building.

We go from floor to floor, finally reaching the one my grandfathers painting is at. It's eerily quite.

It's strange, as there are no security or secretaries out anywhere. No, scratch that, there's no one anywhere.

"Where is everyone?" I ask. Something doesn't feel right.

"They should all be gone by now, so this is normal, but..." Riki trails off, a concerned look etched on his face.

"But what?" I whisper. I have a horrible feeling something's wro-

"Get down." Riki's face turns fearful and serious at the same time, meanwhile whisper-yelling to me.


"I said get down!" He pushes me down and pulls me behind a large display case, hiding me from the outside while allowing me to see out.

"Riki?" I ask him fearfully.

His face softens a little. "Someone's here, just stay quite and stay here. I'll find out who it it."

Before he leaves, I grab his hand and pull him towards me. I quickly kiss him and whisper, "Be safe."

He smiles. "I'll come back to you." and he leave to go to the center of the room.

I hear footsteps clomping as the person comes closer and closer. Finally, he stops, and Riki and the guys stand in front of each other.

"Hello Riki." The guy says.

Suddenly I hear a click behind my back and something cold against my head.

"Get up." The person says.

'Oh no.'

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