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Hey guys!! Please check out the video up top! It starts out with her talking but if you beat with it it will play in my opinion one of the prettiest songs! Please repeat it over and over until the chapter is over, trust me it will be sooo much better!!!

Here's the chapter...
Mai's POV

I wake up to a stone cold floor. I try moving to sit up when I realize my hands are bound. I jolt my head up and look around me, just to remember everything that happened.

'Who took me? What do they want?'

"Well hello there, Maia." The blood drains from my face. Only one person called me that... but... they died....

I slowly turn around but my legs restrict me from doing so as they're bound to.

"But... you died... eight years ago.... how?"

He smirks at me. "No, you thought I died. Which is what I wanted, of course."

"What do you want with me Glenn?" I try to sound brave but my voice comes out as a quiver.

"What do you think?" He scoffs at me, disgusted.

Glenn was my sister's boyfriend. We were really close, until she died. I thought he died with her, but obviously not... My sister died in a fire. And we had pulled Glenn out of the building, he was so close to death, he was choking on the smoke from the building. Anyway, he got this crazy resolution that I somehow was the reason my sister died. His last words before he supposedly 'died' were, "I hope you live with the guilt."

I think I do know what he wants. He thinks I killed his lover, so he wants to kill mine. He was always the type of person to get revenge if someone hurt the people he loved.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I don't have a boyfriend.. So, you're just gonna have to deal with me.

He laughs, but it's full of menace and hatred. "No, no. But you do have Riki, and he had something I want. A ring, it was very famous. And i need it."

I scoff. "Why do you need a ring? To propose to your new girlfriend?"

This gets him angered. He steps close to me, his eyes filled with a consuming hatred, and slaps me. I fall backward and hit the cold rock floor. Hard.

"Don't you dare, you stupid little girl." I smirk at him. I know I'm getting under his skin.

He was always a playboy, he was never serious about anyone, except my sister.

"So? What does your mastermind plan have to do with me?"

He laughs again. "Well, it's pretty simple. I get you and lure Riki here, and he brings the ring with him. Perfect trade. The ring for you."

My eyes grow wide at his words. No, Riki can't. This evil person can't get anything he wants.

I glare at him and spit on his shoes.

He slaps me again and this time I fall on the ground and I don't get up.

Then, I hear a door bang open.

I can't lift my head off the ground, but I get a glimmer of hope.

"Mai!" I hear a frantic scream.


"No Riki, you have... To leave..." I barely whisper.

He goes over to Glenn and pulls his arm back to punch him, but something stops him.

"Nuh uh, wouldn't want something to happen to precious Maia here, now would we?"

I barely open my eyes to see Glenn holding something towards me, but I can barely make it out.

'Is that... A gun?!' I close my eyes again as the pain in my head becomes more intense.

'I'm going to die here.. Huh, I never thought it would end like this...'

"Let her go." I hear Riki's confident voice ring through the silent warehouse.

"Only if you give me the ring." I look up to see Riki pull something out of his pocket, and hesitantly hands it to Glenn.

"No, Riki..."

I see Glenn smirk.

"Go ahead, take her."

Riki runs over to me and picks me up. I look around to see Glenn has run away.

I look at Riki on last time as the pain finally takes over me and I black out.

'I'm coming home."

Love Letter from Thief XWhere stories live. Discover now