Treading Dangerous Waters

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Hey guys!! Thank you for being so patient for this chapter!! I promise you won't regret it!!
Mai's POV

"Guys, it's mission time."

Really? They think me and Ranko will be good on a mission? I'm sorry, but I'm really not the most coordinated person out there. I'll probably trip over a trip wire and accidentally press a large red button that says, DON'T TOUCH.

Before I can speak up, Hiro interrupts.
"What's the mission Boss?" He's almost bouncing up and down he's so excited. Hiro looks closest to our age. He looks about twenty one or twenty two at the most.

"We have to retrieve one of Ranko's grandfathers paintings. It's being auctioned off today so while they're busy selling off everything else, we'll be sneaking backstage and getting the painting.

Ranko and Kenshi, you two will be on lookout duty while Mai and Rikki get the painting. Hiro, you'll be on getaway duty. Are we all clear?"
We all nod our heads in assent and then split up, going to whatever Dayton we had. It just so happens this is my day off.

I sit down at one of the booths and put my head in my hands.
'What have I gotten myself into?'

"Hey, you okay?"

I look up to see a concerned Rikki.

"Ya, fine."

He snorts and sits down across from me. "You know, we were all nervous before our first mission. It's gonna be all right."

I smile at him.

"Thanks, but that doesn't exactly make me feel better."

He chuckles and stands up.

"Wasn't supposed to be. It was supposed to reassure you. But be careful, we're treading dangerous waters.

And with that, he walks away and I ponder what he said.

'We're treading dangerous water.'

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