Big Red Button Titled 'DON'T'

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Mai's POV

The whole day went by in a blur. Everyone left for their day jobs, I have a day off, I cleaned around Rikki's room, ate, then they all came back, ready for the mission. Everyone is sporting black; black shirts and jeans, socks, hats, sunglasses, and shoes. I quickly ran up and got on all black too.

"Okay guys, remember what your positions are. Ranko and Kenshi, lookout. Mai and Rikki, retrieval. Hiro and Takuto, getaway. Are we all clear?"

We all murmur yes or yes sir, and go outside to get in the car.

When we get to the auction, my mouth almost gapes open.

It's a huge skyscraper, with probably over forty floors.

"The auction's on the twenty-ninth floor. There's two guards on duty, but we can easily sneak past them. Let's go Mai."

Me, Rikki, Kenshi, and Ranko all get out of the car and head inside.

We get inside and head for the elevator, where, thankfully, no one else is on.

We ride in silence until we reach the destined floor, then we all split up.

"Hahaha!!!" I grab the painting and me and Rikki start running to the car.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks me confused.

"I conquered the red button!"

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