Mission Time

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Rikki's POV

I let Hashiro sleep in my bed tonight and as I'm getting my blanket, she decides to speak up.
"Wait, your gonna sleep on the floor?"
I smirk. "Would you rather me on the bed?"
"N-no! Pervert!"
I chuckle at her response. "Fine, now go to sleep Hashiro."
"I have a name you know." She says irritated.
"Yeah isn't Hashiro part of it? Now,go to sleep."
She gives me an irritated, Humph, and plopped on the bed, turning her back to me.
I give her smile at her reaction and close my eyes......
Mai's POV

I turn around and lay on the bed, my back to him.
As I calm myself down and close my eyes, I think of how crazy today was
'I think Rikki is kinder than he lets on. He did let me have the bed'
And as I think that last and final thought, my eyes get heavier and heavier as I finally give into sleep.
"Hey, Hashiro, get up!"
I wake up to Rikki shaking me.
"What?" I grumble.
"We gotta go downstairs. Boss wants to talk to all of us."
Ugh. It's too early and I don't want to get up, but somehow I drag myself up and out of bed.
"Fine. You go downstairs. I'll catch up with you guys."
He nods his head and walks out shutting the door behind."
I walked over to the dresser and remember I don't have any clothes with me.
"Crap what am I going to wear?"
I dig around the dresser and find one of Rikki's black T-shirts. I put it on and I decide to keep on my black boots and shorts. After I braid my hair I look in the mirror. When I am satisfied I walk downstairs closing the door behind me.
I trudge down the steps and when I get downstairs everyone else is already there.
Everyone looks over at me and Boss says, " Oh good, now everyone's here. Guys, it's mission time."

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