Chapter 13

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Hey guys! It certainly has been a very long time. I apologize for my absence. I kinda lost all of my will to write and just didn't have any motivation to write anything. I very much enjoy writing and I want to get back into it. And what better way then with my most popular story? I have been getting notifications about this book for sooo long, and I'm excited to get back to it. Thank all of you for the support on this story. I'm very sorry for the long wait, so I'll stop rambling. Enjoy!


Kyoko was sitting in the cafeteria, once again with Celeste and Toko. She sighed softly and looked at her phone. She was having a hard time with the Genocide Jack case.

On the other side of the cafeteria, there sat Makoto talking with his friends. He kept sneaking glances over at his girlfriend. He wanted to smother her with love and affection, but since they were in school that would be way too embarrassing. He also didn't want to come off as too clingy. So he stayed where he was.

"Jeez you're gonna burn holes through her!" Hina teased.

"Oh Shutup." Makoto laughed softly.

Suddenly Kyoko put her phone to her ear and walked out the cafeteria door. She looked upset.

Makoto frowned softly and followed her out.

"Okay. Thank you." Kyoko said and hung up the phone. She decided to head back into the cafeteria.

As she rounded the corner, a familiar face bumped into her. They both fell onto their butts.

"We really gotta stop doing this.." Makoto smiled and rubbed his head. He stood and helped her up.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked.

"Oh! I just saw you were upset.. I wanted to know what was wrong.. and maybe I can help!"

Kyoko smiled softly. "I appreciate the worry, Makoto. But I can't talk to you about this. I don't want to involve an innocent civilian in my detective work." She explained.

"But I'm not just anybody! I want to help." Makoto said.

"Makoto, that's unprof-" Kyoko started.

"Pleeeeeaaase?" Makoto begged. "I want to help you. So you're not so stressed. You may be the Ultimate Detective, but even an ultimate needs help sometimes."

Kyoko giggled softly. "Alright. You've convinced me. Please meet me in my room tonight so we can discuss the situation."

"Awesome! I'll bring my thinking brain!" Makoto gave a thumbs up. He turned around to go back to the cafeteria before stopping in place and spinning on his feet. He ran back and placed his lips on Kyoko's cheek. "I almost forgot." He gave her a big smile. He once again spun on his feet.

Before he could leave, Kyoko grabbed his arm and pulled him back, pressing her lips to his. The two shared a long and passionate kiss.


I know it's very short, but it's all I have time for. Expect more updates in the futurw though!

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