Chapter 16

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Kyoko was pacing in her room. What could the blood on Toko mean? Maybe she should ask her. Kyoko plopped down on her bed, letting out a soft sigh as she stared at the ceiling. Brought back to reality by her phone buzzing, Kyoko picked it up. A text from Makoto: "Hey! You doing ok? Just wanted to check on you!"

Kyoko smiled softly and replied, "I am doing good. How are you?"

"I'm good too. Missing you a lot! Didn't get to see you much today.."

Kyoko giggled softly, "You never fail to make me smile. I will see you tomorrow, Makoto." Kyoko ended the conversation by sending a picture of her smiling, then she set her phone down.

Kyoko closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

The next day, Kyoko was on a mission. Find Toko, and interrogate her. However, it wasn't an easy task. It was clear Toko was avoiding her as best she could. However, the two were able to meet up at lunch in their usual spot. Kyoko, Celeste, and Toko all sat in silence. While this was normal, there seemed to be a lingering tension around the table. 

"Toko, can we talk?" Kyoko asked, trying to break the tension.

"No!" Toko yelled, then went quiet. "Th-There's nothing to talk about."

Kyoko sighed softly, "Please, I just need to talk to you."

Celeste looked between the two of them, "There seems to be some... tension. Did she perhaps make a move on your man, Kyoko?" Celeste grinned softly.

"What? Why would I do that!?" Toko glared at Celeste. "I-I wouldn't go for somebody as average as him anyways. My heart belongs to somebody else.." Toko blushed softly and glanced over to another table.

"No, I never said anything like that," Kyoko said softly.

"Relax, only joking," Celeste said, eating her food.

The bell rang, and lunch had ended. Celeste went off on her own, and Toko began rushing away before stopping.

"Kyoko, I'm fine. I just had an accident last night.. just leave it." Toko said before quickly rushing off.

Kyoko watched her leave and sighed softly. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

"You seem stressed. You okay?" Makoto asked her.

Kyoko felt herself blush softly. "As much as I love this hug, perhaps we shouldn't do this with so many people around."

Makoto suddenly turned bright red and let her go, "Right, I-I didn't think about that."

Kyoko smiled softly and gave him a soft kiss, "Better to cuddle when we are alone."

"Any luck with the case?" Makoto whispered to her. 

Kyoko shook her head, "No, but I think you've given me an idea." Kyoko looked across the cafeteria, at a tall blonde student. Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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