Chapter 10

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Makoto's face turned a bit red. "What do you mean by talk?"

"As in two people having a private conversation." Kyoko said bluntly. "May I accompany you to your room?"

Makoto blushed a bit more. "Of course!" He unlocked the door and opened it for her.

As Kyoko walked in, she cracked a small smile, enjoying his gentlemen-like side. Kyoko took a seat on his bed as Makoto closed the door. He ended just standing around awkwardly.

"You can sit. This is your room after all." Kyoko looked at him.

"Ah... Right... But where?"

Kyoko's gloved hand lightly patted the spot next to her.

Makoto gulped softly as he walked over and lightly plopped down into the bed.

"So what did my father have to say to you? Was it about the incident outside of the cafeteria?" Kyoko asked, not looking into his eyes.

"Yeah... Actually it was." Makoto said, he was becoming a mess. His face was red, his body was tensing, and he began to sweat a bit.

Kyoko let out a sigh. "I thought so. He's been trying to invade my personal life every since I arrived at Hope's Peak. Now he's trying to act like a father... Anyways. Don't mind him. He's only trying to get in the way."

Makoto was a bit confused. "Actually... He approved of it..."

Kyoko went slightly wide eyed. "He did?" Her lips curled into a smile. "I see." Her hand was slowly moved on top of Makoto's now quivering hand.

Makoto gasped and looked at her.

"Makoto. I would love to be apart of your life." The purple haired girl grew an ever so light blush as her faced moved closer to Makoto's.

"Wh-what are you s-saying...?" Makoto asked as he became flustered.

"I want to be with you, Makoto. My feelings for you have only grown. As a detective, I'm obligated to tell the truth about how I feel." Kyoko inched closer. "I want to kiss you and make our relationship official."

Makoto's face was completely red, but he couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something. He needed to do something. Makoto puckered his lips, closed his eyes, and quickly lunged forward.


Makoto had accidentally headbutted his soon to be girlfriend. Makoto rubbed his forehead, and Kyoko did the same.

"Ow..." Makoto groaned. "Oh crap! Kyoko are you okay!? I'm so sorry!" Makoto instantly cupped Kyoko's face in his hands and examined her face.

Kyoko laughed lightly. "I don't think that's how couples work."

Makoto let go of her and slouched. "Sorry..."

The room was once again filled with silence.

Makoto was the one to break the silence. "So... Why did the principal call you to the office?"

"Well I was assigned a case." Kyoko said and stood up.

"A... Case?" Makoto asked.

"I am a detective after all, I have a duty." She turned towards him.

"Well... What kind of case."

Kyoko hesitated. "You cannot tell anyone. But I do trust you. I have been assigned the Genocide Jack case."

"Genocide Jack!? The serial killer responsible for millions of deaths!?" Makoto freaked out.

"Keep your voice down. I said it's a secret." Kyoko said. "But that's all I can say for now. I most get going."

"Ah right.... Oh Kyoko! Uh... We are dating... Right?"

Kyoko blinked and softly grabbed his chin. She leaned down and lightly pressed her lips to his. Makoto's face turned a dark shade of red as he kissed back.

The kiss was passionate and simple. No intertwining of saliva or tongues, but it was soft and warm, and lasted for quite a while.

Kyoko pulled back with a soft and quiet smack of her lips. "Yes." She turned around and walked out, leaving Makoto silenced.

As she closed his door she leaned against it and let out a deep breath. "My heart... Is racing so fast..."

A Detective's Luck (Naegiri fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now