Chapter 9

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Makoto gulped softly as he stood outside the principals office. He didn't understand exactly why he was here. He was doing good in school and he had never been sent to this wretched place before. Then, it hit him. His not-so-successful kiss with Kyoko. Of course, this had been burned into his memory. Even his face began turning red as that scene folded around his head.

Makoto remembered how perfect her hips felt even through a skirt. He remembered the feeling of her arms wrapped around his neck. He remembered feeling her breath against his lips. But most of all, he remembered how warm her body felt against him.

"Ah. Makoto. You're here earlier than I expected."

Makoto snapped out of his dazed state of being. His face was still a bit red as he turned around to see the principal.

"I thought you'd at least change into casual clothes. Well, nevermind that. Come on in."

Makoto stepped to the side so the principal could open the door, and Makoto followed.

Jin took a seat at his desk and motioned for Makoto to sit. Makoto slowly took a seat, his nervousness and worry returned.

"Don't worry. You're not in trouble."

"That's what they all say." Makoto thought to himself.

"Don't think of this as a principal on student lecture. I just wanted to chat. Which is why I asked you to come after school." Jin smiled.

"Uh... Right..." Makoto blinked. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Kyoko Kirigiri." Jin said without hesitation.

Makoto's face grew red. "Uh... W-well you see... Sir... I uh... What happened earlier was um-"

Jin cut him off. "No no! You've got the wrong idea! I'm glad she's taken an interest in you."

Makoto was struck silent. "Huh?"

"Well... If you didn't know, I am Kyoko's father. We do have the same last name."

Makoto was quiet for a minute. "Wait... Really!? I thought that was a coincidence!"

Jin laughed. "Yep. She's my daughter. And I'm glad she's taken an interest in a good student. You're special you know."

Makoto tilted his head. "Huh?"

"Kyoko... Is a strange girl. She was taught that pushing her emotions aside will benefit her as a detective. Her grandfather taught her that..." Jin sighed. "And because of you, she's actually beginning to show real emotion. Whether it's on purpose or not... So I wanted to thank you."

Makoto was a bit speechless. "Well... Of course. I want to see the real Kyoko..." Makoto looked down. "I've only seen a little bit of what she has to offer. And I'm practically head over heels for her! So I-" Makoto stopped his rambling after realizing he was talking to his crush's father.

Jin just laughed softly. "I see. Well, feel free to go whenever." He had a smile on his face.

Embarrassed, Makoto quietly left the room. Makoto sighed lightly, but a smile crept onto his lips. He made his way back to his dorm only to find a certain someone leaning against his door.

"Oh, you're back." Kyoko said while looking at him. "We should talk." She motioned towards his room.

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